Saturday, August 31, 2019

Garden tour to Cherokee

Up for devos.  Denny was up early and headed to Boone to meet Jeff and go to the ISU UNI football game.  I went to Bob and Teresa's coffee at 7:30.  Jane and Jack H. and a neighbor came to enjoy the pinterest yard that they have.  SO pretty.  I headed to Cherokee where Mo Johnsons were visiting the Cooks.  It was a fun afternoon.  We had wraps for lunch, with chips and apple pie and lots to eat while we watched the game.  Hurrah for the ISU WIN after a LONG game.  We played outside slingshot, kickball, strider, bikes, carpet ball and the tacos.  I headed back to Arthur to meet with Pete and Whitney at church.  Denny got home a little after me.  

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