Thursday, August 8, 2019

Welcome Tyler Matthew Cook

Tyler Matthew Cook was born at 10:31 August 8, 2019,  He weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long.   We had a long morning ... just waiting for the news.  But we kept busy.  I heard Rose stir about 7:30.  And right off the bat she headed outside, barefoot, in jammies to the park.  She just walked from one place to another, carefree, talking to herself, and happy to explore.  Jack got up around 8:30 and the 2 of them played so nicely, going from one thing to another.  Sand table, trampoline, swings, merry go round, bikes, sit on the tractor with G'pa.  We ate one of Denny's great breakfasts on the deck, had coffee on the patio with Luke and Karen, always keeping a watchful eye on the littles playing in the distance.  the chairs on the patio had a perfect view of kids playing.  Matt and family got here about 12 and we all just chilled and waited for news.  About the time Denny decided to give Jack a shower, the phone call came.  Everyone was so happy to hear.  Mandy asked permission of Uncle Luke Tyler Johnson and Uncle Matthew Brent Johnson to use their names for their new son.  It was given.  We put the littles down for a nap and everyone waited to make a trip north to see the newest cousin. About 3:45 we woke Jack up and headed to Cherokee.  OH, MY,  Tyler is a NICE baby.  Thank you, Jesus.   The rest of the family followed shortly after.  Mandy's hospital room was full of loving family.  Lots of sharing holding the baby.  Lots of thankfulness that we weren't in Burr Oak.   Such a sweet time.  Only sadness was missing the N. Jensens.  We are called to trust God in all things, especially the ones that make our hearts ache and eyes puddle up.  Jan and John met us at the hospital, we had brought along Jack's stuff to make a kid exchange with G'ma and G'pa Cook.
At home we grilled burgers, heated corn on the cob, made amazing guacamole, cowboy caviar, and creamy cukes.  Pete came out to help hold Lincoln.  Carol joined us after her PEO meeting.  Wow what an amazing day!!! Thank you, Jesus!!  TWO precious baby boys 17 days apart in age.  What fun!!!

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