Saturday, August 3, 2019

Jack half day

Everyone slept in.   Jack slept 13 hours;boy, the farm tuckers you out: 7 pm to 8 am.  We had a family FaceTime call at 8. Missy, and kids, Karen and kids, Luke when he got home from his half marathon run,  (Mandy was st work and Matt was climbing a 14er, Mount Quandary.  Dad and I both had cameras on Jack and his “playings”.  Jessica M. Came with her mom and 2 grandmothers for a tea party out in the yard.  At 10:30 we went to Alan and Lisa’s to see the puppies.  Then to the Storm Lake clinic to make the Grand swap.  So fun to have Jack here.  At home we napped, Denny started to grind rust off the Jeep in an effort to improve the vehicle.   As we were going to Denison to get rubber coating paint, we got a call from Danny W. - the father of one of Missy’s friends in N.  He is coming out to the farm; we’ll call before we head home from Denison.

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