Sunday, September 15, 2019

Fair ... CC Fair

Nice lazy am.  SS with missionary in France.  We had a wonderful BLT lunch with guacamole.  Naps and I headed to Spencer.  At 6 I picked up my exhibits.  It was okay, but no blues on flower arrangements.  I had 5 out of 9 arrangements get 90+ scores, a blue on the Nepal painting, a honorable mention on the Nepal standing on the edge photo,  and a blue on the picture of Rose and G'pa at 4 Seasons.  At home Denny went to yoga and then home to his "happy place".   Of course, when I drove up I found him cleaning his pickup.   We watched Netflicks on the patio.

5 out of 12 exhibits got 90+  which is the score you need to earn a blue ribbon.  
I didn't get any blues, because there were exhibits that got a higher score than I.  
LIFE... Uffta!!

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