Thursday, September 12, 2019

Just pickin

I headed into town around 9 to pick 2400 pounds of grapes.  We started about 9:30 and finished about 2:30.  It was Julie, Eileen, Jane, Ellen, Patty, and me.picking!!  Now that’s a lot of grapes!!!  Doc and Lenee kept busy hauling pails away and filling tubs of 35 pounds of grapes in the building.  We had an amazing lunch of lasagne and Jayne H. made an absolutely wonderful 3 layer German chocolate cake for Lenee's birthday.  It was SO good.  I missed study at Susan's, but they needed the help, the day was beautiful, and they are a neat bunch of people to spend time with.  Denny had grilled onions with potatoes, and pork chops for supper. More amazing food.

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