Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Haley Xcountry

I took Kane to school at 7:15.  Denny and I went to St Joe and got mower gas and the new Move Sono.  We went with Jenny to Kane’s school at 11for lunch  Taco meat and chips ... yum.  At home we mowed and then showered and chilled.  Haley’s cross country meet was at 4.  She ran great  Placed 11th, got a medal, time was 24:25.  Her best this year.  Kane ran  a mile in 7:40.  Great jobs!!  We headed home with threatening storms occurring in IG.  When we were driving into the city limits of Atlantic there was a flood of rain.  Luckily we were just approaching Gail and Bruce's street when Denny thought,"Yes, it would be okay to stop."  A quick turn and they were home, so we visited about 30 minutes then went out into the storm again.  It rained pretty solid until Harlan.  We got home safely about 11:30.  Nice visit.

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