Saturday, September 14, 2019

Friday Sept 13

I didn't go to water exercise.  I have been gone a lot and it seemed prudent to stay home and make coffee and chill this am.  At 9 I did go into IG for a Dr. Appointment with Dr. Luft.  Everything seems to be okay.  I got signed up for a colon'py and mam'grm and perhaps a do in your home sleep sets.  I got a few groceries and then headed to Old Town.  They were putting the brakes thru the destemmer and I sprayed the grape juice off the 50 yellow tubes and left them in the sun to dry.
Denny finished the pickup rust attack.  It looks so much better.  SO PROUD OF HIM!!!  Great job.  He took me to church to ride in the van to women's retreat at Hidden acres.  Kara L., Beth H, Laura S.  Lisa H. Nicole T and me.  Michelle P and sister Janeen met us there.  The camp has changed SO much.  New buildings all over the place. We got checked in, ate in the new dining building, and went to the Chapel building.  After chapel we went on the big 3 man swing.  I rode with Kara, and Laura.  What a kill!  We looked at craft project and met Naomi while we made stores.  Great night.  I slept in the room with Nicole and Lisa.  Hope I didn't snore too much.  To bed around midnight.



                  MY HUSBAND IS AMAZING!!!!

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