Thursday, September 5, 2019

Perm from Hannah

I got up for AM mix this am.  It is really tough on my body when I try to participate when I haven't done anything for a couple days.  Uffta!!!  Out of shape.  I went to walk with Laura and Isabelle to the rec center.  Beautiful morning.  there are no direct sidewalks to the rec center so it makes it hard for blind person with dog to navigate.  I went to Dose garage sale, then to Trend due for a perm and haircut from Hannah R.  At home Denny was working on getting the running board off the shotgun side of pickup. I went to IG and picked up Laura and Jen for Bible study at Teresa P's.  About 6 Beth came over to talk about Awana, then we went and picked flowers.  They turned out pretty.  After she left we had guacamole on patio.

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