Monday, September 30, 2019

JT Day and a coon

Sure, as I went to Cherokee I took German Ave. east of Holstein and car was coming AND a raccoon ran across the road right in front of me.  AND I nailed it.  And for the next mile the my Prius rumbled and grumbled.  The animal creamed the car with a thump.  Very Loud.  I stopped in Holstein and a guy helped me duct tape the rubbing plastic wheel well up and out of the way.   I made phone calls to insurance during the fun day with Tyler and Jack.  What nice boys they are.  I spent 11-2 just holding a sleeping Tyler.  Nothing is better.  When I was holding Tyler in the morning I got a phone call from the dermatology secretary about the biopsy that Chrystal O. did on a spot by my left eye on Friday September 20th. Yes, they got back the results and, yes, I do have basal cell carcinoma.  The appointments are booked out 3-4 weeks, so I have an appointment at Dakota Dunes Thursday morning October 24 for a Mohs procedure.  They will numb the area, cut out tissue, I will be in the waiting room as they freeze the tissue and look at thin tissue slices on slides under the microscope to make sure all the cancer has been removed.  If it hasn't we will go at it again later that day.  It is really close to my left eye.  Uffta!!  I would appreciate prayers.  God is good.  I stayed at Mandy's until Jack got up from his nap.  On the way home I drove the route past the daed raccoon still in the middle of the road.  It was bigger than I realized at 7am in the morning. Uffta!! When I got home I saw  Denny had mowed off all the asparagus and fixed the overhead door on the lean-to across the road.  Great!!  Wonderful night chilling, eating, and watching Heartland.  Thank you Jesus.

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