Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Come and go visit

Woke up to a quiet house.  Luke and Karen left around 7 to take him to the airport.  He is flying to Washington DC for work to meet with Navy people.  Denny left around 8:30 am to work for Larsons until 8:30 pm.  Around 9 I went to town to get some groceries and drop off OGT donations.  Mandy drove down from Cherokee and spent the day at the farm until after 6pm.  Missy and Mandy went out for a country road walk,   I watched the 3 littles.  Karen came back from the airport.  Mandy and Missy went into IG for Missy's haircut.  Karen and I fed Rose and Jack and put them down for naps.  I got stuff ready for come and go visit with Missy.   At 3 Joann and Mary G. were the first to come.  Nice bunch.  Fun to see everyone and hear them visiting.   Kristin was here when Megan came from Minneapolis.

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