Monday, October 28, 2019

Just home

Oh, my,  It looks beautiful outside, but the temp is 25 degrees.  It is bright and sunny and the leaves in the front yard are gently falling to the ground as I drink coffee and look at this book that I got from Amazon about a week ago.  Lovely book ... I am not sure how I got it, but I have enjoyed it.  The Amazon slip said it was ordered Oct 17th ... not me.  Our Amazon account doesn't list it as something we ordered.  Don't think I ordered it last summer before Clay CF and it was back ordered.  So I guess the mystery goes on.  But I am loving the simplicity, beauty, and ideas of loving/enjoying/celebrating life and flowers.   So relaxing and grounding for my soul.  At 5 I started procedures for procedure tomorrow.  Denny came home from driving tractor about 7.
The book inspired me to take some pictures of beauty where I find it.

as I leave the recliner I venture into a room 
to find a task I began and now need to complete.

Sure, I took everything out of bathroom closet and still need to go thru it.
So much for simplicity/beauty in my real world.  

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