Great day ... It was so nice and relaxing. SO NICE!! We all took turns holding baby Tyler and playing with baby Jack. As the family went outside: Mandy, Missy and Haley did a workout. Becky brushed horses. Boys rode bikes and looked at vehicles. Missy wanted the kids to each choose one activity that they would like everyone to do while we are together here in Savannah. In the afternoon during nap time the girls (and Tyler) went shopping in St. Joe, Target, Sam's. When we got back we played TJ's choice activity: Flag Football. I think my team won!!! But the second picture shows the family who thought they won. We did more napping, holding and playing with babies. Before supper we played Knock Out, Haley's choice of activities. After supper when it was dark they played Kick the Can, Kane's choice. We spent more time holding and playing with babies. Jack has a painful rash and Mandy's back is really hurting. Both make it hard to have a "perfect" visit, but as family we do our best to help the hurting. Lord, please heal. Mandy is trying so hard not to hurt/complain. Makes us all feel sad.

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