Thursday, October 24, 2019

Midland clinic

Early rise for devotions and a shower.   We left for Dakota Dunes about 9.  My appointment was with Dr. Chabra at 11.   After numbing the area he did a Mohs procedure.  Crystal O. was assisting.  After the Dr. finished the procedure we went out into a waiting area while they froze the tissue and checked the margins.  After about 45 minutes a nurse returned and said the margins were all clear and so we went back into a room to wait for the doctor to come and stitch my eye up.  In the room was the freezer where they slice and evaluate the tissue.  After about 40 minutes the Doctor came back in.  He grew up in India and I told him about my daughter and family in N. and how I visited there in March.  Then I told him how our airbnb had guests that grew up in India, lived in UK and mow were in Minneapolis.  I told him how they had come to our farm on 3 separate visits.  He comes to IG once a month and was surprised that we would have any airbnb guests.  After the sutures were done he left and the assisting nurse said she had never heard the doctor talk so much.  In fact, she said some patients had asked her if the doctor even spoke.  Funny!  She said he was interested in the topics you visited about.   To celebrate we went to Mr. Stir Fry for a late 2:30 lunch.  Such good food.  Then Denny stopped at Target in SC for supplies.  We stopped at Gordon's in IG to get a bulb for the front left car light.  Then to Lewis to get medicine for my stitches.  At home we chilled.  

The doctor measured and said the gap was 1 by 2.  
I asked the Doctor,"That's in metric, not inches, right?"
He said,"Yes, metric."  Whew....
He said he would pull the skin over and stitch shut. 

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