Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mandy/Jason + arrive

Wonderful am.  Coffee.  Sunroom.  Scrambled eggs, bacon in the oven.  The 2 year olds were so happy to see each other.  I moved patio chairs into the garage, rolled out the carpeting set up 2 tables.  We ate brats out in the garage for lunch.  Almost everyone took naps, so the non-sleepers visited out in the patio/garage.  Carol and Pete came for supper.  SO fun to have the babies playing and being held.  Good to visit as the dishwasher ran ... and ran ... and ran.  LOVE visiting with my kids and being with my Grands.                              
Cute 2 year old cousins.  


Pete and Carol joined us for chili supper. 
Nice flannel Jammies. 

Cute matching jammies. 

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