I was up at 5:15, read devos, put paper towels and sandwich bags over 10 bouquets for Mandy's Clinic. I made coffee on the patio 'cause Luke and Lincoln were in the sunroom. sleeping??????
I left for Cherokee and got the 2 littles. I drove Mandy's car and she took mine to work. Lots of excitement when we got to the farm. Cousin time together. Such a happy time for me. Love to see my kids and grands playing, laughing spending time together!! Denny started the smoker about 7 am and the meat was done around 3 and kept warm. (hopefully just staying warm and not overcooking in the smoker). Phillip and Missy got home around 1. Evan went to Larson's and Sophi and Logan are here for the afternoon. Naps for the littles, Karen, and me. When Logan B. got here and was playing with Brooks, he looked around and asked, "Do you have a daycare here?" Pretty good observation with a multitude of brightly colored plastic toys out side, high chars in sight, signs in the house saying, "Lincoln is asleep, Shhhhh", That was before the 4 littles got up from their naps, so the crying had not even begun. :) No, not really, there was not too much crying time. I just thought that would be funny to say. Mandy and Jason got here after 5:30 and we ate smoked pork butt, party potatoes, farm corn, tossed salad, guacamole and chips, pesto and crackers, and chocolate chip ice cream for dessert. We got a chuckle out of Karen's story. With Covid she describes what she is wanting, places a phone in order to the store and they deliver, so she doesn't know exactly what she'll get. We all laughed because the bottle they choose, fit our meal to a T. The label said HOG WASH. :) Peter and Carol came out to visit after Pete got done golfing. When it got dark, the kids played a robust game of Kick the Can out behind the carpet ball table. Lovely day ... only thing better would have been in all 4 kids and all 10 Grands were here. I am SO thankful.