Saturday, June 6, 2020

Lord, bring Jensens home safely

Jensens left N about 6 am our time.  I went to IG to get potatoes, but Too early.  Food Pride didn't open until 8, so I came home and went back to bed.  Denny got up and had breakfast, showered and was ready to go to town, so we went for groceries for the airbnb.  At home, Denny mowed and I made ham balls and party potatoes, and cherry dessert for Dan and Jenna and Jensens and cleaned the refrigerator.  UFFDA!! Good to get all jobs done.   We ate salad and smoked loin.  I picked flowers and put in the Cool Bot.  Then I took the meal to Rachel's.  We visited in the yard.  T'was good to talk to her.  Mandy worked at the clinic in the morning.   Lord, guide the Jensens as they travel to America.  My legs were so sore from trudging yesterday. 

Thoughts from Mandy:
I’ve been waiting to find the right words. Truth is - I don’t have them.  My heart constantly aches for all the pain in this world right now. I can no longer be silent. I want you to know where I stand. Black lives matter. Period.  I hate that it has taken us so long to come to this realization. Moving forward - I will listen and educate myself, do better, be better, and teach my own children better. We must do the work and make the change. 🌎

I like the story in Luke 15:
100 sheep, but one goes missing.
Jesus leaves the 99 and goes after the one.
The 99 say: “But.... what about us? Don’t we matter?”
Of course the 99 matter, but they’re not the ones in danger.
The one is.

Black lives matter.
End of story.


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