Thursday, June 18, 2020

To Minnesota

Looking forward to today, getting a haircut and getting to see Matt and Becky's new home. I got up ready to go.  I took flowers to Peter and Carol.  Their 40th anniversary is Sunday.  I hung pictures in Cabin, folded clothes, packed, made guacamole and we left about 8:30.  It looks like a 6 hour ride.
We got to Becker Minn about 2:30.  6 hour drive.  First stop haircut/perm with Judy.  SO good.  After we got done we went to eat Mexican with them.  Lovely time catching up and visiting.  Then to Zimmerman.  We stopped and looked for something to bring there for supper.  All the places had long lines of cars into the streets.  A gas station fit the bill.  Next to the acreage.  And boy did it start to rain.  They were busy painting.  We set up the redneck motel in the machine shed.  So fun to be there!!

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