Saturday, June 20, 2020

More fixin'

I sat out looking at the lake when I woke up.  I listened to a podcast on Simon Estes, who grew up in Centerville, a Christian.  It was an amazing testimony.  I went up to house and got 2 thermal cups of coffee for when Denny got up.  Becky was still painting at the house,  I weeded in the garden area, L&D worked on the bottom step to the kitchen deck.  Lincoln did not take an am nap and fought the afternoon nap. Great lunch of Panera sandwiches and leftovers.  Most of family went down to work on the dock.   They got it repaired.  Right now Lincoln is getting much needed (that he fought against) nap.  Me, too.  I, also, got a nap.  It was Luke's idea to eat pizza around fire pit.  Great!!  Most projects are completed and still painting continues.    Another great day!!!


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