Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The call of the wild ... bird that is

Wow a beautiful morning.  I had the plants I bought yesterday, planted before Denny got up at 9 am.  4 j. peppers,  2 early girl, 1 mortgage, 1 yellow cherry tomato.  We visited on the deck and started a grocery list for Jensens in the event they would make an airplane flight.  Lord, we're praying for the center of your will.  (... in IG ... hopefully ... prayerfully)  We mowed the lawn around noon.  I had hammock time and Denny started to sand the Jeep to get rid of rust on the running board.  I called Sharon from OGT and Peggy and plan to meet there tomorrow at 9am.   Denny put together the 3 hanging bird feeder pole that he ordered on line.  The best part of the day was after we got the stand in place Denny put a goldfinch call in the speaker ... AND 2 goldfinch came to visit.   We smoked 2 pork chops for supper.

Our country has erupted in chaos. Everyone agrees that what happened to George Floyd was a terrible tragedy that should not have happened and should never happen again. But what has taken place with these riots is also a heartbreaking disaster for so many and for our nation.
I was asked if I was offended by the President walking out of the White House, which is his back yard, and walking over to St. John’s Church. Offended? Not at all. This made an important statement that what took place the night before in the burning, looting, and vandalism of the nation’s capital—including this historic house of worship—mattered, and that the lawlessness had to end. 
And I’m not offended that he held up the Bible—as a matter of fact, I was encouraged! I appreciate it. I believe that God’s Word is the only hope for each individual and for our nation. The problem we are facing in this country is a spiritual and moral problem. New laws and more government give-away programs are not the answer. It’s a heart problem, and only God can change the human heart.
I’m disappointed that some of the President’s harshest critics about going to the church were clergy. They have publicly (to the media) criticized the President for walking to the church and for holding up the Bible. That’s unbelievable. They should be thanking him rather than criticizing him! They are nitpicking his gesture, also saying he should have prayed while he was there. So critical. Well, maybe they should invite him back and pray for him as he leads this country through a very difficult time in our history.
I call on all pastors, regardless of denomination, race, or political persuasion, to join hands and join hearts in praying for our nation, that God would give wisdom to our leaders—our mayors, our governors, our President Donald J. Trump, and also our law enforcement. The God of the Bible is our only hope.
Franklin Graham

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