Sunday, January 31, 2021

Rest Relax Sunday

Up for devo and then back to bed.  Slow morning with coffee, Candlewood,Kiron, and Arthur.  Now to wait for 1/31 Arthur taped message from Phillip.  Our prayers are with you as you share.   Relaxing day ... At 3 I played pickle ball for an hour.  At 7 I went to Trivia.  Lost again ... but not in last place. 3rd out of 4.  I deleted more pictures from 2020 blogs so I could order and print the book.  I think it is pretty well done, so hopefully Denny do another quick preview and help me order it.  

Saturday, January 30, 2021


 Devo, Nap, Yoga, Nap, 77 flea market, Nap,  Pier 19, and to bed.  What a day!!!    I went with Gail, Jane, and Bev to yoga at the Farmer's market.  It was another lovely morning.  Tanya does such a nice job.  When wee got back, I missed the park sale of stuff.  Oh, dear.  After my nap Jane called and invited me to go with her and Bev to FM 77.  I only bought guacamole stuff.  After a nap I took a shower and we headed to Pier 19.  Bruce, Merle, Mike and Keith had been fishing and brought their fish to get fixed for the 10 of us for supper.  The outside wait was chilly and longer than I expected, but the food and company was great once we got into the restaurant.  Merle bought us 4 ladies a rose.  I think the guys had a great time fishing.  We had fish grilled, blackened and fried with coleslaw hushpuppies and fries ro HUGE onion rings.   We got update pictures of Matt and Becky's home.  It looks so awesome. 

Friday, January 29, 2021

Oops no launch

Up and heading out for scramble golf at Brownsville Country Club.  In preparation I hit 15 balls into the resaca behind Gail and Bruce's home.  I hit my 5,6,7,8,9 clubs SO well, up in the air and into the water, staring and true I was SO happy and ready to play.  Well, sorry the actual game did NOT go well.  I don't think they used one of my shots.   Guess that's the last time I practice.  Keith, Jake, and Bev were my partners, the weather was so nice, conversations with Bev on the cart were so good, My actual playing ... not so hot, the understatement.  The girls headed to Texas Thrift store after we were done with golf.  Bev needed some short sleeve tops for this warm Texas weather.  When we got home the guys were having fun on the deck.  We headed to Reals for supper about 5 with Sandy, Bill, Bruce and Mike.  Nice time!  


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Waiting and waiting and waiting ... and no Launch

Up for devo and coffee. I went to play pickleball and left there at 9:30 to ride with Denny to the launch. Reals were there already. Wonderful day sitting and watching the waves, water, ships and pelicans. When the launch wasn't going to go off until 1 Kathy and I went shopping. Or actually looking. Kathy got a cute blow up chair for the swimming pool. We had sandwiches. YUM!!  The launch was cancelled and we chilled for a while before we came home.   The hot tub felt great!!! I was in on the Lifestyle:28 visit.  Nice bunch of gals.  

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

C and C wings

Slept in .. no launch today.  Spent am just catching up on stuff.   We left the tv out on the deck last night and the wind had blown it across the deck.  Diane and Larry H came to visit Bev and Merle.   Bruce is inviting friends from park to have 2 for 1 wings at 5.  YUM!!   At 2 we played pickle ball.   I took 100 pictures off of the blog. I need to reduce the number from 1330 to 1153.  Uffda!!  After C&C we came home and then went to Reals' fire pit.  We watched tv.  Keith and Jane got to then park about 10 pm.  

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Launch.... ?????

 Up for devo and watching Mandy on Lifestyle:28.  Playing pickle ball at 7:45.  Heading to SPI to watch the launch.  NOPE no launch, so I went golfing with Gail, Fay and Carol for Carol's birthday.  And then to C&C afterwards.  While Bruce and I were playing pickle ball with Bill and Sandy Merle and Bev H. drove into 4 seasons.  They are staying for a month and got set up at lot 64.  The same one Connie and Jerry were at.  Denny was fixing grilled red snapper that Bruce had caught last week on the off shore fishing trip.  We had plenty and so we invited B&M, B&G, and young Bruce for fish, rice bag salad and tartar sauce.  I was so happy that they all chilled and visited on the dock while we were getting the meal ready.  It was so beautiful out,  Just fun to be together, Sandy and Bill stopped over to taste the grilled fish.  Bruce and I went to the hot tub about10 pm.  then off to bed for me. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

Will the launch go today???

Up for devo and coffee.   I played pickle ball at 8 and then at 11 we asked Bill and Sandy if they wanted to go to with us to possibly watch the launch.  It was a beautiful afternoon.  We put our chairs on the jetty, ate, and watched the birds, boats, and saw a couple of dolphins.  The weather was warm, the gulf water waves occasionally hit the breakers and sprayed on us.  The launch was cancelled and eventually we headed back to the park.  At night Gail and I started on the quilt for Abby's graduation.  

I did not write this - Worth the read.  

Barely the day started and... it's already six in the evening. Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday.... and the month is already over.... and the year is almost over.... and already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed.                                                                                                                                                                                    ... and we realize that we lost our parents, friends.and we realize it's too late to go back...                                                                                                                                                  So... Let's try, despite everything, to enjoy the remaining time...                                                                                                                                                                              Let's keep looking for activities that we like...

Let's put some color in our grey...

Let's smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.
And despite everything, we must continue to enjoy with serenity this time we have left. Let's try to eliminate the afters...
I'm doing it after...
I'll say after...
I'll think about it after...
We leave everything for later like ′′ after ′′ is ours.
Because what we don't understand is that:
Afterwards, the coffee gets cold...
afterwards, priorities change...
Afterwards, the charm is broken...
afterwards, health passes...
Afterwards, the kids grow up...
Afterwards parents get old...
Afterwards, promises are forgotten...
afterwards, the day becomes the night...
afterwards life ends...
And then it's often too late....
So... Let's leave nothing for later...
Because still waiting see you later, we can lose the best moments,
the best experiences,
best friends,
the best family...
The day is today... The moment is now...
We are no longer at the age where we can afford to postpone what needs to be done right away.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Breakfast on the deck

I was up for devo's,  Bruce stopped by and while we drank coffee on the deck I put a load of laundry in.  When Denny got up he made a breakfast I could not refuse.   Tomato juice, scrambled eggs with cheese and ham cubes, rye toast with honey, and a BIG plate of bacon.   We watched Candlewood, Kiron and AEF.  Around 1pm we went to SPI to enjoy the beach.  Pretty day, overcast and warm.  We walked up to the jetty and watched a big ship come up the port of Brownsville.  Before we headed home we stopped at HEB.  At home we stopped over at Hendersons to watch the taped Packers football game.  Then to the hot tub and after 15 minutes I played pickle ball until dark with Bruce, Bill and Sandy.  


Saturday, January 23, 2021

Yoga, Pickleball

Up for devo and coffee.   I rode with Gail to Yoga.  Then we played pickle ball until about 11.    Gail and I rode with Bruce to 77.  We got lots of stuff.  Bruce got waders, insulated coveralls, sun glasses, hitch pins, oranges,  and a tow chain.  Bruce dropped me off and we ate leftovers on the deck. Denny and Bruce went to Lot 92  I rode with Bruce to Boca Chica and he fished the Mexico side of the beach and the north side by the Jetty.  We made it home by 7 for Bruce's card game.  Denny and I went to the hot tub before we watched some tv.  

Friday, January 22, 2021

It's all about the shot ... about the shot ... about the shot

We left about 4:30 am for the Los Fresnos Rodeo grounds to hopefully get our first covid shot on a first come first serve basis.  Denny printed and filled out the 2 forms on the web and they are signed, we have our IDs,  and masks.  Now we are in line in cars in the rodeo field with vehicles all around.  We are not drinking any more fluids until a porta pot is sited.  When I could wait no longer,  YES!! there were portapots in every area.  It was wait, wait, wait,  We wrote 6 cards, watched 2-3 episodes of Reign, listened to 2 classes of photography, I worked on my blog, Denny napped, We figured by a quick count that there were 50 lines of cars with about 50 in each line.  If there were 2 in each car that is 5000 people.  We heard there 3,000 doses ... ???? Around 5:15 am counters came by and asked how many in the car were getting shots,  then I asked her "How are we doing for numbers?" meaning "Will we make the cut?"  She gave a tentative-maybe answer...  "We're close to the top level of numbers of doses."  NOT reassuring.   The next 8 hours we were just in the car, except for leg stretching walks to the portapot.  I found out the 2500 cars facing north had vouchers and the 200 cars of us that were facing south would be the last to (possibly) recieve available shots.  Uffda!! As time passed rows of cars began to filter up to the 6 fire station docks; one. row. at. a. time.  SLOWLY from my perspective.  Once your car was parked you did not move until your row was headed to get the shot.  About Mainly we're just SO happy we got the shot. Today is Kathy R. birthday.  On the way home we stopped at Walmart to get a few groceries a birthday cookie, and flowers to put together.  At home we unloaded groceries.  I put together 2 bunches of flowers then took a nap.  At 6 we picked up Reals and went to The Broken Sprocket.  It was a beautiful evening.  There was a small band playing when we got there.  And a larger one at 8:30.  We ordered cerviche, cheese fries, and pizza.  So good.  At home by 9ish and to bed after a long day in the car.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Bergstrands leave

At pickle ball at 8:30 I was paired with Brad B.  Poor boy ... I did not help his win a single game, but it was fun.  I left early and walked down to their camp site before we all went to our place and Denny had fixed a great breakfast of scrambled eggs, avocado toast and Mexican coffee.  Nice slow morning and they left 4 Seasons about 11 to head up the coast on their way to Nashville.  

Wednesday January 20

Fun day with me playing with Bruce N. and Brad B. for scramble golf.   We had awards and a drink after golfing. Denny and Connie joined us.  At home I got ready for cupcake tasting with some gals.  Gail, Connie, Kathy, Mert, Joan, Joanna, Joyce and me.  It was a sweet treat and worked well to share the 6 cupcakes that I got at Waco Silos.   I had fixed mint lemonade and had ice cream and chocolate covered almonds with coconut (from Kathy) in a silacon cupcake paper.  The gals came at 3 and were here for about an hour.   We took steaks, sweet potato fries, poppers, and bag salad to Reals where we chilled and grilled.  About 7 people came over to sit around the fire pit.  It was fun.  Mary Kay, Joyce, Brad, Gail, Bruce, Bruce N. Sandy and Bill.  


Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Up at 5 and updating my blog.   I watched Mandy at 6, had Devo and went back to bed at 7.  Slept until 9:30.  Connie and Jerry came for breakfast on the deck.  Much visiting.  Topo Chico on the dock.  Jerry squeezed orange juice and we toured Gail and Bruce 's place.  The screened in porch was great for visiting and supper of soup, pizza and pie.  Brad and Joyce stopped in to visit.  

Monday, January 18, 2021

Fun with friends

UP and excited for the time with Bergstrands today.   I got coffee and devo done, Bruce stopped by to visit, and at 8 I went to play pickle ball.  Denny was up getting breakfast ready.  Bergstrands came down for breakfast with Denny.  It was a beautiful morning out on the deck.  We walked the park and then went to look at pictures on the smart tv's. We set the alarm for 2 minutes and then switched looking at Connies, and then our pictures.   Later we went to the beach.  It was warm and windy.  Before we headed home we stopped at Palms on the Beach.  Smoked ribs and potatoes with cream for supper.  We ate inside. Fun day!!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Looking back. At Denny’s back surgery

We had our usual Sunday morning schedule. Coffee and services.  Bergstrands pulled into the park about 11.  They got their rig parked and we sat at the cement table.  Denny and I tried to reposition it AND IT WAS HEAVY.  It sprinkled a little and we visited and ate warmed up leftovers under the car port.  We went past the launch and drove to Boca Chica beach.  We walked about 2 miles.  Denny grilled hamburgers for supper.  Wonderful to have them here. 

Looking back.  At Denny’s back surgery. 

Dr. Meyer led a prayer time with all of us before I went back for surgery. Dr Meyer added  my  surgery on Thursday as the Fourth spinal surgery.. His staff told him he was crazy - that no one does four surgeries in one day, but he told them 'it's ok-I really want to help this guy. I really like them!' He said it was By Far the Worst case of spinal stenosis that he has seen in 25 years! He was surprised that  I was even able to walk at all with how bad it looked. He couldn't believe it!   There was  lots of adhered scar tissue!  So much scar tissue that he called in another neurosurgeon just to come in and look at it too because it was so crazy/surprising!

Once he saw the area - he was sure that there was no way that he would be able to complete the procedure successfully without any other complications. But – He Did! He said he thought it would have been impossible to clear that much scar tissue from the dura without rupturing it....but it went great!  Thanks for praying. Denny Johnson 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Fish fry!!!

 There wasn't any yoga at the farmer's market, it was too cold.   After a.m. pickle ball, I went to Fay's to help her get ready for the fish fry.  I was really good at helping her.  I sat in a chair and drank coffee and told her what a good job she was doing.  She had very few jobs for me to actually do, but I am sure I helped a lot from the chair by the kitchen table.  I came home and made whipping cream for Denny's key lime pie.  Bruce stopped by and started to squeeze some oranges.  It was so fun to see Jerry and Fay frying the fish, hushpuppies, and keeping them warm.  There were lots of friends outside eating.  Gail and Bruce, Sandy and Bill, Kathy and Sandy, Joyce and Brad, Carol and Jerry, Sandy and Roger, Angie and JB and Marty, Carol,  Finchers served great food, Fish, Hushpuppies, French fries, coleslaw, banana pudding, cheesecake, key lime pie,   We stayed until after the football game on TV.  

Friday, January 15, 2021

Watching Bruce fish

 Slow am.  It's snowing in Iowa.  TOO BAD  SOOO SAD  Denny and I listened to a camera lesson, walked and talked around the park, and picked oranges from Nick's tree.  Around 2 I rode with Bruce N. to the fishing area on the way to SPI.  It was a chilly sunny beautiful time to watch Bruce fish.   He was fishing for about 10 minutes, caught a fish and then on the next cast his fishing line broke.  Would it stop him .... Possibly, but in true Newhouse fashion he went looking for broken fishing tackle caught in the oyster reef.  ANDN found some.  He added it to his line, even though the weight was too heavy and he caught about 4-5 more.  Nothing that we kept, but fun to catch some.  At 4 we came back and played pickleball.  Denny spent the time I was gone cleaning the trailer.  It looks great.  I came home from pickle ball and made a quick batch of guacamole and we went to Mert's for tortilla soup.  So good.  We watched a you tube of the Zimmerman girls' BB game.  The jv squad got in at the fourth quarter of the game.  Haley made 2 points and got a rebound.  FUN day.  Not in the snow.  Sorry, Mugs, I suppose it was mean to tell the 70 degree temps forecast for the next week. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Warm Day!!!

Pickle ball was a little chilly starting out, but before we finished I was wearing a sleeveless top... and not playing well.  Uffda!!! Such is life.  Bruce went fishing with Brad, Dave, and John.  They bought their limit by 10, but Bruce got seasick.   Denny and I walked the park and I stopped to take a picture of a beautiful rose.  Mert got her loveseat from Wayfair.  Denny put it together this afternoon and we brought up a lazyboy that she wanted gone to audition.  Denny grabbed it for his chair.  Uffda!!  I made 2 lemon meringue pies and gave one to Griscelda.  They leave about 3 tomorrow morning.  I'll miss them.  We ate supper at Gail's.  Great food.  I joined a a video Lifestyle 28 facebook room.  Nice visit.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Donna Flea Market

Wonderful morning.  We picked up Bill and Kathy about 9:30 and drove to Donna Weslaco.  Fun morning looking around at all the stuff.   I got a pretty plant for Connie when she comes to 4 Seasons.  We did get 5 pounds of big onions for $5.  We stopped at San Bonito and ate at Long Horn Cattle country.  Great meal and visit.  We stopped at Real's to look at the new lights and try the insertion machine.  Bruce came over before he ate with Gail and Bruce.  

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Chilly again

Well, I posted my IF journey on L:28.  Uffda!!   It took a while to get warmed up.  No pickle ball at 8 instead at 2:30.  Denny was fixing poppers and I made sweet potato fries.   Gail and I went to Thrift stores in the am and looked for shorts and water shoes for Bruce.  They said I could keep the golf clubs that came with the pink golf bag I got at Texas Thrift.  That was good news for the Henderson grands.  We stopped at Lopez and got milk and a T bone steak.  

This was shared on a Covid survivor group...have heard many of these before but it seems helpful:
No one ever talks about how to fight Covid at home. I came down with Covid in November. I went to the hospital, running a fever of 103, a rapid heart beat, and other common symptoms that come with Covid. While I was there they treated me for the high fever, dehydration and pneumonia.
The doctor sent me home to fight Covid with two prescriptions - Azithromycin 250mg & Dexamethason 6mg. When the nurse came in to discharge me, I asked her, "What can I do to help fight this at home?" She said, “Sleep on your stomach at all times with Covid. If you can’t sleep on your stomach because of heath issues sleep on your side. Do not lay on your back no matter what because it smashes your lungs and that will allow fluid to set in.
Set your clock every two hours while sleeping on your stomach, then get out of bed and walk for 15-30 min, no matter how tired or weak that you are. Also move your arms around frequently, it helps to open your lungs. Breathe in thru your nose, and out thru your mouth. This will help build up your lungs, plus help get rid of the Pneumonia or other fluid you may have.
When sitting in a recliner, sit up straight - do not lay back in the recliner, again this will smash your lungs. While watching TV - get up and walk during every commercial.
Eat at least 1 - 2 eggs a day, plus bananas, avocado and asparagus.These are good for Potassium. Drink Pedialyte, Gatorade Zero, Powerade Zero & Water with Electrolytes to prevent you from becoming dehydrated. Do not drink anything cold - have it at room temperature or warm it up. Water with lemon, and little honey, peppermint tea, apple cider are good suggestions for getting in fluids. No milk products, or pork. Vitamin’s D3, C, B, Zinc, Probiotic One-Day are good ideas. Tylenol for fever. Mucinex, or Mucinex DM for drainage, plus helps the cough. Pepcid helps for cramps in your legs. One baby aspirin everyday can help prevent getting a blood clot, which can occur from low activity. "
Drink a smoothie of blueberries, strawberries, bananas, honey, tea and a spoon or two of peanut butter.
We always hear of how Covid takes lives, but there isn't a lot of information out there regarding how to fight Covid. I hope this helps you or someone you know, just as it has helped me.

Monday, January 11, 2021


I was up about 7 and listened to Mandy.  Bruce H. had called off pickle ball except for the hardy, which is not me.  Bruce N. worked on the bathroom at Hendersons.  Denny and I started to work on pictures, but with both of us trying to delete pictures the process was very slow, so just Denny ran the delete train.  We did play pickle ball at 3.  When I came back Denny was making fried green tomatillos.  We invited Kathy, Bruces and Gail.  I, by mistake, thru away the envelopes that Denny had been saving to verify that we were Texas residents ... to hopefully speed up the process of getting the Covid shot.  Uffda!!! Wrong move on my part.  That and always having the last word are not good attributes.  Uffda!!  Watched Courage to Run!!! Great movie.  I showed Bruce N pictures of Matt's lake fish!!! Impressive.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Happy Birthday Mandy!!!

 I am so thankful to have you as a daughter.  May you continue to use the gifts God has given you to help others.  

Love Sundays.  We watched last weeks AEF sermon, then Rory's message (really good), then Kiron.  I made soup and bread.  Denny and I started deleting some pictures.  Bruce came to watch BB and we ate soup and bread.  Poor guy, we spent a lot of time looking at OABCIG football finals.  I went to Trivia.  My team lost.  What's new.  


Saturday, January 9, 2021

busy day!

Full morning.  Gail, Joyce, and I went to yoga, then we (GJFBBB) played pickle ball, then we (GFBDJB) went to 77 Flea market.  I bought avocados, NO SURPRISE!! a pineapple, and Denny got some jalepenios.  Bruce came over for lunch; after he left Denny and I cleaned the house, laundry, then Denny wiped off the outside of the car.  He was so happy to get so much done.  We invited Griscelda and John over to visit.  I went to bed pretty early and slept well.  


Friday, January 8, 2021

Happy birthday, Matt!!

So glad that I was alive today!  So glad Matt was my first born 44 years ago!.  May God continue to bless him through out his life.  I am so thankful for Matthew Brent Johnson.

Another great day.   We were just around the park in the am watering the grass seed by Joan's lot.  After lunch we went to SPI beach.  It was very chilly, but we stayed until 4, Lots of bird as we put out crackers. Tthen one thrift store, and then HEB.  After unloading groceries I visited at Gail and Bruces and watched a card game.