Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Launch.... ?????

 Up for devo and watching Mandy on Lifestyle:28.  Playing pickle ball at 7:45.  Heading to SPI to watch the launch.  NOPE no launch, so I went golfing with Gail, Fay and Carol for Carol's birthday.  And then to C&C afterwards.  While Bruce and I were playing pickle ball with Bill and Sandy Merle and Bev H. drove into 4 seasons.  They are staying for a month and got set up at lot 64.  The same one Connie and Jerry were at.  Denny was fixing grilled red snapper that Bruce had caught last week on the off shore fishing trip.  We had plenty and so we invited B&M, B&G, and young Bruce for fish, rice bag salad and tartar sauce.  I was so happy that they all chilled and visited on the dock while we were getting the meal ready.  It was so beautiful out,  Just fun to be together, Sandy and Bill stopped over to taste the grilled fish.  Bruce and I went to the hot tub about10 pm.  then off to bed for me. 

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