Friday, January 15, 2021

Watching Bruce fish

 Slow am.  It's snowing in Iowa.  TOO BAD  SOOO SAD  Denny and I listened to a camera lesson, walked and talked around the park, and picked oranges from Nick's tree.  Around 2 I rode with Bruce N. to the fishing area on the way to SPI.  It was a chilly sunny beautiful time to watch Bruce fish.   He was fishing for about 10 minutes, caught a fish and then on the next cast his fishing line broke.  Would it stop him .... Possibly, but in true Newhouse fashion he went looking for broken fishing tackle caught in the oyster reef.  ANDN found some.  He added it to his line, even though the weight was too heavy and he caught about 4-5 more.  Nothing that we kept, but fun to catch some.  At 4 we came back and played pickleball.  Denny spent the time I was gone cleaning the trailer.  It looks great.  I came home from pickle ball and made a quick batch of guacamole and we went to Mert's for tortilla soup.  So good.  We watched a you tube of the Zimmerman girls' BB game.  The jv squad got in at the fourth quarter of the game.  Haley made 2 points and got a rebound.  FUN day.  Not in the snow.  Sorry, Mugs, I suppose it was mean to tell the 70 degree temps forecast for the next week. 

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