Saturday, January 30, 2021


 Devo, Nap, Yoga, Nap, 77 flea market, Nap,  Pier 19, and to bed.  What a day!!!    I went with Gail, Jane, and Bev to yoga at the Farmer's market.  It was another lovely morning.  Tanya does such a nice job.  When wee got back, I missed the park sale of stuff.  Oh, dear.  After my nap Jane called and invited me to go with her and Bev to FM 77.  I only bought guacamole stuff.  After a nap I took a shower and we headed to Pier 19.  Bruce, Merle, Mike and Keith had been fishing and brought their fish to get fixed for the 10 of us for supper.  The outside wait was chilly and longer than I expected, but the food and company was great once we got into the restaurant.  Merle bought us 4 ladies a rose.  I think the guys had a great time fishing.  We had fish grilled, blackened and fried with coleslaw hushpuppies and fries ro HUGE onion rings.   We got update pictures of Matt and Becky's home.  It looks so awesome. 

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