Sunday, January 17, 2021

Looking back. At Denny’s back surgery

We had our usual Sunday morning schedule. Coffee and services.  Bergstrands pulled into the park about 11.  They got their rig parked and we sat at the cement table.  Denny and I tried to reposition it AND IT WAS HEAVY.  It sprinkled a little and we visited and ate warmed up leftovers under the car port.  We went past the launch and drove to Boca Chica beach.  We walked about 2 miles.  Denny grilled hamburgers for supper.  Wonderful to have them here. 

Looking back.  At Denny’s back surgery. 

Dr. Meyer led a prayer time with all of us before I went back for surgery. Dr Meyer added  my  surgery on Thursday as the Fourth spinal surgery.. His staff told him he was crazy - that no one does four surgeries in one day, but he told them 'it's ok-I really want to help this guy. I really like them!' He said it was By Far the Worst case of spinal stenosis that he has seen in 25 years! He was surprised that  I was even able to walk at all with how bad it looked. He couldn't believe it!   There was  lots of adhered scar tissue!  So much scar tissue that he called in another neurosurgeon just to come in and look at it too because it was so crazy/surprising!

Once he saw the area - he was sure that there was no way that he would be able to complete the procedure successfully without any other complications. But – He Did! He said he thought it would have been impossible to clear that much scar tissue from the dura without rupturing it....but it went great!  Thanks for praying. Denny Johnson 

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