Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Denny drove me to SC.

The weather wasn't too bad,  but Denny still said he would drive me there for my dermatology appointment.  Crystal burnt off  the perimeters of the spot on my back.  Then we went to Sheels, Pet Smart, Rosses, Dunham, Bomgaars.  We had a sandwich at Arbies and headed home.  Awana at church.  Lord, help my words bring direction and not hurt feelings when I spoke to Sierra about sleeping while she is volunteering at Awana.   Lord, guide my mouth.  

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

GOT'ERDONE The Visa paperwork.

Chilly this am. School let out at 9:30 and no OGT because of ice roads.  Praise!! We got our Nepali 30 day Visa application done on line!!!  For this afternoon my goal is to clean out/ Wash clothes in telephone closet.  A couple days ago I got a thank you note and a check from the Odebolt betterment community for the flowers that I donated to the Farm to Table meal.  WOW I wasn't expecting that at all.  But I guess I will use it for Drug money.  i.e. Flowers are my drug of choice.  When I sell flowers it goes to buy more of my drug of choice.  It works for me:)

Monday, November 28, 2022

Another blessing

 Thank you, Jesus for another day. I went into town early and stopped at Carlyle tires.  They are so nice there and fixed my tire so I could make it to the appointment with Dr. Bissel at 9. At the hospital they took an xray to determine if the wire fragments from my patella break in 1981 are moving.   It all looks good.  The fragments have not moved.  Thank you, Jesus.  Next I headed to OGT.  The trailer is coming later and fuller that we expected.  I played pickle ball until 11.  Then  I headed to OGT.  The trailer came about 12:30 and took more of our donations than they thought they would be able to fit on the trailer.  Thank you, Jesus.   When I got home I ordered 3 trays of lisianthus from Gro n sell.  I'm happy to get that done!!  They are shipping 3 trays of L. to Brownsville the week of March 1.  I napped.  Denny spent the day cleaning and sorting tools so the tools are ready to go to Brownsville.  We ate supper, chilled, watched TV, and settled down for the night.  

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Love Sundays, well I guess about everyday is Sunday....

 I was up at my usual 5ish start to the day.  And I got a lot done.  The kitchen was the first project I tackled, then some laundry, and putting away Holiday stuff.  I think our SS had 12 gals init.   Me Renea, Sarah, Kathi, Lisa, Lydia, Aby, Molly, Michelle, Carrie,   Larry O. spoke at church.  After we got home from church Sherry and Sam came to walk thru their soon to be home.  Then naps for us, supper and watching some TV.  I've almost got the holiday stuff away.  UFFDA!!!  It just takes a while...

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Quiet cleaning Saturday

 The house is still quiet at 8:30.  Now that's a good thing.  I got out of bed for the sister call at 7:30 and now I'm trying to catch up on the blog.  I need to send some camera videos to Nepal of the cousins opening Christmas gifts.   Luke and Karen packed  and left for IG about 10.  Cooks and we went outside with the blue truck.  AND away they went.  Lots of chasing trucks.  Then we watched the boys play while Mandy and Jason packed and cleaned and put together lunch.  They left and Denny headed inside to nap.  It was beautiful and so I worked outside moving rockers, moving plants pots, moving hog wire supports, moving and arranging and cleaning the garage.   We had a bite for supper and then started cleaning the airbnb at 6:30 for about an hour and a half.  Next the garage.  and texting Sherry to say, "The place is ready for you".  Another great Day.  



Friday, November 25, 2022

Matt's head north, G'pa and G'ma Hawkeye visit

 Denny fixed breakfast for the Johnsons before they headed north.  TJ is scheduled to work this afternoon at the Christmas Tree farm.  Mandy wanted to try out their new smoker and so we fixed smoked chicken thighs for lunch.  Luke wanted to use Denny's new Blackstone and so they went to Denison to get seasoning and a fuel tank.  I took a nap while they were gone.  Pete and Carol came as Luke was fixing the  gyros.  It was a great meal.  We fixed an apple pie that Mandy had brought for supper.  


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Christmas in the afternoon

Well, after the BIG T  meal we cleaned up and rested/napped.  About 4 Rose reminded us that we were opening gifts after naps.  YEP!!!  Denny read the Bible chapters, we opened stockings in garage, and then moved to the living room for LOTS of opening.  Denny had fun using his fall farm work wages to buy gifts.  And everyone had fun with the gifts.   

G'pa reading the Bible.

The stockings had Hats for Grands,  Some hadn't gotten delivered yet.

Gfts and Family
Rose got these gifts for us at school.  She picked them out herself.

New T shirt for Kane.  He wore it during the game that night.

TJ got a massager that his mom used on his sore back.

New sweater for Haley.

Microphone for Rose.

Cooks with a SMOKER.

Happy Thanksgiving AND Merry Christmas in the afternoon

 I was up to get food started  Kane was an early riser and put together the Christmas trees.  Thanks, Kane.  

Coffee, Cinnamon rolls and lots of playing with kids.  We ate in the garage. Smoked turkey (Denny)  Smoked Pork Roast (Denny) Party potatoes (Faith) Corn (Faith) Relishes (Mandy, Luke) Gravy (Haley) Stove top Stuffing (Karen) Pecan bars (Becky) Such a great meal and everyone pitched in.  


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Lots of PB

I had devo and then went to play PB early 'cause 2 people could only play until 8.  I played until 10 and called Denny.  He said the package he had to sign for already came and he signed for it so I played until noon.  I went home to nap before the family arrived.  HURRAH!!! Blissful  Chaos as the family arrived.  We had Becky's chili in the garage and played magnitiles and games.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Early going to OGT and then realizing they had started a later work time.  All is good.  I worked 7:30 til 12 and then at home wrapped the presents that came from Amazon today.  Also a nap.  At 4:30  Iwent in to play pickleball with Carol T We played for about an hour.   It was  good.   Well, that was about as much of my day that I remember.  Denny washed the smoker and grill before putting it away for the winter.

Amanda and daughter

Monday, November 21, 2022

Heading to SC

 I played pickleball and then Denny and I went for his cardio check up.  It all went well.  A change in medication.  We went thru Danbury on the way home \ and got a couple of presents.  ????  I started to wrap some presents before going to bed. Hofmann Sisters inspired Newhouse Sisters pictures.