Tuesday, November 8, 2022


 Awake and went down to help Gail in the library.  We finished all the hard cover books.  Dan had a issue with cars.  Julie and I rode with Hendesons ... solving the issue:).  Dan H. paid the $20 for us.  Well, we had a great time ... but we were the high scorers.  80.  I had 5 balls that went in the water ... and 3 out of bounds/lost or just lost on fairway.  They served a great hamburger and drink for all of the 80 players.  Because we were so slow playing/ eating Bruce had to wait for us.  Uffda!!! Too bad Ron didn't have room for us in his car.  We went to Linda's for a visit.  Later Bill came to our deck and then we went to his back yard.  The fire pit wasn't working, but it was still amazing as we sat in the dark and looked at the rascal.  

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