Monday, November 7, 2022

Pickleball am and sunset PB

Nice sleep last night.  Lotsa sleep chilling yesterday afternoon and evening.  Gloria and Wayne and Kay got to 4 Seasons.  Bruce is buying Dawn's little trailer.  Gloria is thrilled.  We had a nice visit and coffee with Gloria.  Naps and reading on our back deck.  Hendersons got their trailer washed and now the Texas room is all ready for people and so we had supper there.  Denny got pictures from Oscar showing the progress being done on the '72.  Gail and I went to Sports center to play pickle ball.  

Tips from Grandma (and for grandma to remember) ❤ ❤️ ❤️

Don't go where you're not invited.     Don't talk about what you don't know.     Don't open the fridge in other people's house.     Don't call someone after nine o'clock at night.      Don't visit someone at lunch.      Don't enter other people's bedroom without permission.      Always flush the toilet when you uAlways, always ~ speak the truth.     Please & Thank You are good words ~ use them often.     Love the soul of people, not their physical ~ it is what is inside that matters.      Be kind to your fellow humans & all living things.      Give from the little you have, expect nothing in return.      Be conscious of your words ~ they matter!     Wake up & be grateful.      Pray daily, because prayer brings peace to our heart & soul ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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