Saturday, November 12, 2022


 I slept well last night.  I was just getting up when Jean called for the sister call.  Coffee at 9, BUT that was the same time as our family phone call  ... So I muted the sound fro Brownsville and listened to my family talk.  Actually I loved it!!!  I heard about the things going on in the park ... and heard about the family goings on.   After coffee and donuts I went to Amigo Tires and bought a#35 tire from them.  I spent the afternoon baking the kettle bread.  At 4 we headed to Bransons for brisket that Brad smoked, Gail's potatoes, Julie's green beans, my bread and Fay's blueberry cheese cake.  YUM!!! so good ... Ate too much. Before dessert we played a rough table game. 


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