Saturday, November 26, 2022

Quiet cleaning Saturday

 The house is still quiet at 8:30.  Now that's a good thing.  I got out of bed for the sister call at 7:30 and now I'm trying to catch up on the blog.  I need to send some camera videos to Nepal of the cousins opening Christmas gifts.   Luke and Karen packed  and left for IG about 10.  Cooks and we went outside with the blue truck.  AND away they went.  Lots of chasing trucks.  Then we watched the boys play while Mandy and Jason packed and cleaned and put together lunch.  They left and Denny headed inside to nap.  It was beautiful and so I worked outside moving rockers, moving plants pots, moving hog wire supports, moving and arranging and cleaning the garage.   We had a bite for supper and then started cleaning the airbnb at 6:30 for about an hour and a half.  Next the garage.  and texting Sherry to say, "The place is ready for you".  Another great Day.  



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