Thursday, July 13, 2023

Grands. FM

 It was an amazing day.  I finished listening to a book and got a quote from Ordinary Grace by William Kearny Krueger about the death of a loved one. Warren Redstone’s parting wisdom,” The dead are never far from us, they are in our hearts and on our minds, and in the end all that separates us from them is a single breath, one final puff of air.”  I did a study on the Breath of God verses in the Bible.  It was so encouraging.  Karen and kids are in IG.  Denny went to IG to bring them to the farm for a couple hours.  I worked on putting flowers together for the IG FM.  I sold 9 bunches and gave Dakota one bunch.  She said the would use it as her bouquet.  From there I went to Lakeview for the SS picnic.  Such good food!!! Then home with Denny to chill on the deck.  Missy called to say that we should not come to the open house in Ames.  Saddens, but I trust God and their wisdom of what they need.  Lord, guide me each day and help me share, trust and obey Your guidance.  Joann shared with me some pictures of the  Hammerstrom sisters that Bri had taken.  Lovely.  


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