Thursday, July 6, 2023

Paint the garage

I went in to IG early, Terry played pickleball with me at 7:30.  I made a quick stop at Dose.  Matt, Becky, TJ and Kane came down and painted the garage.  It really turned out nice.  I put together flowers for the farmers market last night.  Second and Main  At 4  I think I took 18 and 14 sold for $10.  I gave 2 to Daveys.   And bought home 2 to send with Becky for her mom and Bobbi.  Denny grilled chicken breasts and we had spinach salad, hot poppers, green tomatoes.  After supper TJ wanted to pick 2 bouquets of flowers for his girlfriend and her mother.  I totally agree with the text that the mom Kristi sent Becky, "Torren is just the sweetest.  You have a great kid".


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