Monday, July 24, 2023

Goodbyes and Pizza at Holstein

Beautiful morning.   I kinda slept in, probably because I took my 1/2  teaspoon of NyQuil about 3am when I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep.   Missy and I listened to some more of her KISC induction videos.    When Rose and Lincoln were awake in IG I went in to get them and bring them to the farm.  Denny watched them as I put together 3 flower arrangements.  Dawn wanted one for Vannie H. 95th birthday, I made one for Carol Goldsmith, and I gave the 3rd bouquet to Vannie from Anabel's family.... they were  first cousins.   Jensens went into town to shop at Dollar General, say good by to Carol, and Evan wanted to workout.  Anabel watched the littles as I finished the flowers and Denny went into IG to bring Evan home.  Brooks went to Boyles to hang with Logan.  We started washing towels and bedding and folding and sorting them in the sunroom.  About 4 we took the flowers and Grands to IG to say goodbye.  Then we went to Holstein to meet Cooks for pizza in the park.  After we got home we chilled on the porch, Evan had Nick, Jake, and Josh over to visit.  Tomorrow will be a long day traveling to N for the Jensens.   Another good day filled with goodbyes . 




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