Saturday, September 30, 2023

Still water afternoon

We didn't get to sleep until 1:30.  Quite late for us.  I made it safely to the bathroom at 1.  It was up the stairs and through the dining room.  Denny woke me when Jean called for the sister call at 7:15.  I slept thru it, so Denny woke me up.  I texted them and said I wanted to listen, but people were still quiet around here.  So I listened while they talked.  Then I fell back asleep until 9.  THaT NEVER HAPPENS.... Nice morning with coffee.  Matt fixed Denny and I breakfast.  kane's game was cancelled, TJ went to referee youth football game,  Haley went to pick up her race package.  At noon we headed to Still water.  It was a fun afternoon there.  At home Matt grilled brats.  Later he started a fire down by the lake.  Another nice day!  

Friday, September 29, 2023

To Minnesota

Cooks had us use their bed and they went to the RV.   I listened to DAB in Mandy's office. After the family left for school and work, we headed north.   We stopped at the World's biggest candy store,  I don't think we ever need to do that again.  Uffda!!!  What do people find to buy there?   We got to Zimmerman about 3 and left about 5 for the game in Shsaago.  Before we left we had meatball subs, yum!!!  Wyatt and Matt had prepped us for TJ's game,  The team they were playing were ranked 3rd.  TJ's team was ranked 3rd from the bottom of 47 teams.  Uffda!!  It was about an hour drive there.   We got 2 turnovers the first quarter and by half we were in the ready by 25.  Great game to watch.  TJ recovered one fumble in third quarter.  2 long touchdown runs with the ball.  A long pass where the player just waited in the inbounds spot and caught the ball.   Then with 9 minutes left there was lightening.  Delay of game.  We were 25 points ahead of the other team.  After another lighting flash and 20 minutes later we went to a gas station and ordered Dominoes pizza from across the street. The gas stations kitchen was closed and they gave us permission to eat at their tables.  We headed back to the field the we heard the teams had taken the field.  Then more lightening.  The referees left the field about 11.  And the game win was given to Zimmerman. Late night .... Good game 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

To Cherokee

I went to IG to pick up old clip on skates from Dose.  We used these to skate around the kitchen table in the "old" house.  I also, went to pick up Denny's prescriptions.  We left for Cherokee about 9:30 and made it in good time for my haircut by Tessa.  After we picked up Tyler at Daycare we came home to play, eat a bite and I took a quick nap.  Then we got Jack and played at the school playground until 5 when we went to Magnetic Park  for the Trail Celebration.  Jason did a great job talking about the completed project.  HyVe donated hot dogs, Dairy Queen donated Dilly bars.  Mandy and I got chips when we went to Sam's last Friday.  VERY NICE COMuNITY get together. 

 A father used to say to his children when they were young: —When you all  reach the age of 12  I will tell you the secret of life. One day when the oldest turned 12, he anxiously asked his father what was the secret of life. The father replied that he was going to tell him, but that he should not reveal it to his brothers.  —The secret of life is this: The cow does not give milk. "What are you saying?" Asked the boy incredulously. —As you hear it, son: The cow does not give milk, you have to milk it. You have to get up at 4 in the morning, go to the field, walk through the corral full of manure, tie the tail, hobble the legs of the cow, sit on the stool, place the bucket and do the work yourself.  That is the secret of life, the cow does not give milk. You milk her or you don't get milk. There is this generation that thinks that cows GIVE milk. That things are automatic and free: their mentality is that if "I wish, I ask..... I obtain."  "They have been accustomed to get whatever they want the easy way...But no, life is not a matter of wishing, asking and obtaining. The things that one receives are the effort of what one does. Happiness is the result of effort. Lack of effort creates frustration."  So, share with your children from a young age the secret of life, so they don't grow up with the mentality that the government, their parents, or their cute little faces is going to give them everything they need in life.  Remember 👇👇  "Cows don't give milk; you have to work for it."  ~Author Unknown"

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


I went to IG to play pickleball and get the coat rack and jeans I got from Marketplace.  There are 9 of us for pickleball.  It seems my racket is kinda breaking.  I'm SURE that's why I am not playing a perfect game.  I talked with Janice J from Schleswig and headed down there around noon.  She shared a lot of plants with me.  In the afternoon I got them in the ground.  The CSA shed is still a mess, but I'll get to it, sometime.  We left for Awana.  It was good to see all the kids during opening.  Then I went to prayer time with Beth G. Susan G. and Tunbergs.  I have finished reading the book from Voice of the Martyrs.  Persecution, like they experiences in not on our radar.  It is a sobering call for prayer.  

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


I was up early to try and get things done.  I washed the table tops in the bunk house, heated the soup, took dishes to bunk house, put firewood out, etc.  After OGT 7 volunteers came for a potluck lunch.  It was nice to visit with them.  Denny was mowing for Larsons.   When we got back from Indianola on that Thursday Denny got the big hole drilling bit out to plant tulips and allium and a few daffodils.  Such a kind husband!!

Monday, September 25, 2023

Golf with Gail and Marilyn!!

I loved to golf with Gail and Marilyn L.  Gail got to my house.  She had a finished table cloth/quillt.  So cool.   We drove to Alta.  Gail had heard the Alta course was a tough one ... But the toughest part for the 3 of us was finding the hole where we were suppose to start.  Uffda!!  We had fun, shot one under par, won back $5 each and had one birdie hole.  Gail and I shopped in Storm Lake before heading home.  It was too wet for Denny to run the tractor mower for Larsons and so after he went to IG he started putting in the new basement door.  Hurrah!! He got it done about 8:30.  Well, not quite done.  The trim was put on a little wrong, so Denny fixed it the next morning before he headed out to mow for Larsons.

Denny went to town and paid the taxes to get the title of the RAV4.  It had 26,731 miles. 


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Happy birthday, Craig!!

 We got  a phone call from Missy.  It was so nice.  After church we went to pick up a sofa table in Ida Grove.  Laura texted me to see if we could help her do some work that she needed a sighted person for.  It worked out great.  At home we napped.  AND not sure what else. 

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Rain ... or .... Car show???

 I was up for devo .... Still wondering about the weather and our activities???  We went into IG ... and the car show was canceled.  At home we invited Julie over for coffee.  We napped in the afternoon and had a great rainy day!!  AND THERE AS ONE BLOOM ON MY MORNING GLORY ....  FINALLY!!!!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Tractoring for Denny

 Up at 5,  Denny went to drive tractor, I went to play pickle ball.  It started to rain, we quit playing about 10.  I ordered replacement Star gazer lily bulbs, long time on the phone,  Now we'll see if they come and if they grow...  uffda!!  It rained where Denny was working and so he came home,  I did print off Luke's and Mandy"s wedding pictures and put them in silver frames for the top of the china hutch.  And I printed off a list of things to check on from Michele P.  Lord, I really don't want to have to know this stuff!!  Supper on the deck.  Finished off another of Fay's gifts:)

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Heading home

 Arlan fixed us a great breakfast ... WITH BRISKET ... wonderful. We left about 9 and one the way I worked on Schrum collages.  When we got stuff put away, Denny called Larsons for work, but too wet today.  Starting tomorrow there will be work for Denny to do.   We did plant more tulips, 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Arlen's retirement

I got up and was going to sit in th rocking chair to have Devo.  I saw Dave the airbnb burst walking by his car.  It needed to be jumbled started, so I made a cup of coffee for denny and got him up.  Dave left and 3 other Gomaco guests joined us one the patio for a cup of coffee before they headed into IG.  I put some picked flowers in the cooler and dug up pa couple cannas for Mark, an airbnber. We headed to Des Moines around 10.  We stopped at Menards and got a door for the basement airbnb.  I also got some more tulips, daffodils, allium.  We got to Indianola about 2 and hung out until the meet together at Arlen's office from 3-5.  Next Adam had fixed smoked ribs and brisket, so we had a great family meal with Us, Gail and Bruce and the 11 Schrums.    It was really a nice time.            

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

OGT load out.

 I was up and headed to IG about 7:30.  Denny had an eye appointment at 11.  OGT laded out about 1400 boxes plus  medical equipment. The load is headed to ????.  I got home a napped.  Denny worked on polishing the pickup.  About 3pm 3 North Dakota Gomaco came to "The Home Place".  I went in toe watch Stella play volleyball.  They won in 3 matches.  After the game I visited with Deb, Evelyn and Cherity.  At home Denny was in bed.  I joined him. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Golf and got my tulips planted

I was awake and did some pictures on Pics art.  Well, I think it was way too many, But I wanted to post a thank you to Texas friends and family that came for the 50th.  I left for golf at Spring Lake about 9.  I played with Joan T. from Kiron and a two some from Sac City.    Nice morning  We shot a 44.. just out of the money  At home I joined Denny mowing.  We texted Elizabeth about possible use of the sax.  We planted 90 tlips while we waited until 5 pm when we headed to Balders with the sax.  At night we visited in the bunkhouse.  Fixed hamburgers, onions, squash and green beans in the fry pan  GOTTA LUV RETIRED LIFT!!! Nice day!! Thank you, Jesus!!

Sunday, September 17, 2023


After church the airbnbers were still here.  We visited over an hour.  About 3, I went to the visitation for Donna R.'s mother.  At home I fixed chicken salad.  We love being in the bunkhouse.  Replacement gift came fro Meg.  Bless her heart.  Uffda for me. Anabel in KISC learning activity.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Over night in Cherokee

I slept in their RV!!!!  I love to sleep where I can stay in bed and listen to DAB.  And fall back asleep.  I went into the house and Jack made my day by beaming and saying G'ma's here!!!!  So sweet.  Mandy and Jason left about 8 for a conference put on by Gary Smalley about his book,"The 5 Love Languages".  I had forgotten. but Mandy remembered that I had read the book to them when they were in HS while they ate breakfast.  Such a good book  After Mandy and Jason lefthe boys and I went to the crawl space.  Then I took them to Jan's.  I got my nails done and came home thru IG.  Denny had been cleaning the house and moved his stuff to the bunk house. I joined him there.   

Friday, September 15, 2023

Day with Mandy

It doesn't get much better.  I spent the day with Mandy.  I stopped at another Dose and then headed to Cherokee.  We left for SC where Mandy did errands.  Returns at Home depot.  Pick up hot tub necessities, eye brow fixing.  shop for Jeans.  Shop for shoes.  Eat at Mr. Stirfry.  We headed back to Cherokee for chili and cinnamon rolls . And to watch the boys in their side by side.   I watched TJ play football on my phone. They lost.   When his game was done I went to  Cherokee to watch Jaxon P.  play.  They lost.  I slept in the camper in their back yard.  Super fun Day!!  


Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thank you, Jesus for every day.

Lovely slow morning.  So much to be thankful for.  The 7 wild kitties have been up on the deck eating dog food.  There were about 12 sparrows around the bird feeder right outside the glass door I sit and look out while I do coffee& devo. Simple life, so good.  Sometimes I wonder how life can be so sweet when it is just me and Denny hanging out at our century acreage.   I went to study at Teresa'a and then Mary Kay and I went to Blue Bird's just shopping.  I bought a romper and 2 knit shirts with cap sleeves  It was so fun trying on and looking at clothes with her,   At home Denny had cleaned and wiped all the wood doors and kitchen cabinet doors.  We ate on the deck: a wonderful leftover smoked pork on the Blackstone,  green beans on the Blackstone, butternut squash in microwave and salad of arugula, tomatoes, radishes, plus homemade croutons from buttered hot dog buns /for dessert we had an X factor from Fay and Jerry.  How can life be so sweet.  Now I am in the hammock reading a book from Voice of the Martyrs: "Wurmbrandt". Thank you  Jesus.  Please watch over and care for all the ones I love.

Life together

FUN DAY!!!  Nice and slow in the am.  I went to Mapleton to get a new filling put in my back molar.  I chipped off a part of my tooth and filling.  About 3 we went to the garden and looked at all the produce, so we picked, made pesto, salsa, hot poppers, and listened to country music.  One song played, "I just want you to know" and I told Denny that was the song that Luke and Rose danced to at his wedding.  That got me to thinking and we gave Nikki a call and she came for supper.  Her cat (from 20 years of loving) had died and she was happy to join us.  It was wonderful to have her.  At the fair Brenda and Kelly picked up the flower exhibits at 5 pm and Brenda sent me this picture.  Love them.  While I was in Mapleton,  Denny put in the new door lock combination to P.W. airbnb.   

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Clay county fair

 My alarm went off at 5 and I got up. Devo, Brought the plants/flowers in from the CSA barn and tried to organize entries to the fair.  We left about 7 and arrived there about 9.   I worked on getting entries and paperwork done in the floriculture department.  I ended up with 21 entrees, I think.  It was a hurried mess.  Denny walked thru all the big equipment areas and left the commercial buildings for when I was done.  We really didn't know it would take until 11 for me to be done.  Uffda!!  We walked around.  Long story short by the end of the afternoon we had bought a shade umbrella for the patio in Brownsville. And a container of Salsa mix.  And a half pound pork tenderloin, it tasted wonderful.  And we visited with Kelly and Brenda.  All in All a good day.  Even though Denny had intestinal problems when we were doing the paperwork for the sunbrella.  AND I got 12 first place blue ribbons, 4 second places,  2 4th places and 3 extra ribbons/special awards.  At home we ate Orange chicken and binged on watching Blue Bloods in the sunroom.  Thank you Jesus for the fun day and the laughs at the end of the day about paperwork for Summer Accents shade umbrellas.   


Monday, September 11, 2023

Golf Soccer

 During the night I kept thinking that perhaps we could go to Clay county Fair on Tuesday.  It was senior citizen day (cheaper entry fee) and floriculture judging.  I made a bouquet for golf and left about 8:45.  I golfed with Karen, Nancy, and Marvel from Denison.  I shot a 49 and got $2.  Our colored ball score got $3 for each of us.  We're talking BIG money.  I headed home right away to harvest flowers for the fair.  At 3:30 we left for Cherokee soccer.  We dropped off couple of bags of donations at New Leaf, then to the soccer field.  T'was fun to watch those boys. Jack did a good job and made 3-4 goals.   Tyler did a good job of just running and smiling.  and smiling ... and smiling.  Mandy is the coach.  We visited little and headed home so I could work on fair entries.