Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Arlen's retirement

I got up and was going to sit in th rocking chair to have Devo.  I saw Dave the airbnb burst walking by his car.  It needed to be jumbled started, so I made a cup of coffee for denny and got him up.  Dave left and 3 other Gomaco guests joined us one the patio for a cup of coffee before they headed into IG.  I put some picked flowers in the cooler and dug up pa couple cannas for Mark, an airbnber. We headed to Des Moines around 10.  We stopped at Menards and got a door for the basement airbnb.  I also got some more tulips, daffodils, allium.  We got to Indianola about 2 and hung out until the meet together at Arlen's office from 3-5.  Next Adam had fixed smoked ribs and brisket, so we had a great family meal with Us, Gail and Bruce and the 11 Schrums.    It was really a nice time.            

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