Wednesday, September 27, 2023


I went to IG to play pickleball and get the coat rack and jeans I got from Marketplace.  There are 9 of us for pickleball.  It seems my racket is kinda breaking.  I'm SURE that's why I am not playing a perfect game.  I talked with Janice J from Schleswig and headed down there around noon.  She shared a lot of plants with me.  In the afternoon I got them in the ground.  The CSA shed is still a mess, but I'll get to it, sometime.  We left for Awana.  It was good to see all the kids during opening.  Then I went to prayer time with Beth G. Susan G. and Tunbergs.  I have finished reading the book from Voice of the Martyrs.  Persecution, like they experiences in not on our radar.  It is a sobering call for prayer.  

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