Friday, September 1, 2023

Happy Birthday, Luke!!!

BIG 40!!!  Happy Birthday Luke!!! We are blessed by your life.  Keep seeking God first in everything.

We kinda slept in until about 7.  Nice coffee and visiting with Becky and Matt.  I went with Becky to fee the horses and then listened to DAB down by the lake.  Becky and I went to Zimmerman and looked at a green house and a couple of groceries stores.  Now that's really living on the edge when we enjoy looking at grocery stores.  Denny and Matt took Kane in for a haircut.  Great lunch of salad and sandwiches and mojitos and then we napped.  Becky and I took the horses to the lake.  They were mostly interested in eating grass.  Great supper of smashed burgers with tortillas.  TJ thought it was too late.  He is one hungry teenager.  I was so full I couldn't sit.  I kept  busy cleaning the kitchen and then lying down in the living room.  

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