Thursday, September 26, 2024


 So I did have my cataract eye surgeries but the outcome is not what I expected at all.  Due to the fact I have 4x amount of astigmatism my vision now without corrective lenses is a blur and much worse with my glasses and even nonprescription sunglasses.  Legally I can’t drive because I am restricted to corrective lenses.  I can not take an eye exam for 30 days until my eyes have healed to get up to date prescription for my glasses..  currently I am not sure it is wise or safe to be driving.  I am still hoping my eyesight will improve some in a week but at my post op appointment today the Dr didn’t give me much hope.  I have another post op in a week.  He said this happens 1 in 4000 cases and especially those with astigmatism.  Aren’t I fortunate!  I could have had this corrected for $7,000-$10,000 but decided at my age it wasn’t worth the money.  You might say that when the Good Lord was passing out astigmatism I got back in line more than once!  Sorry for the long text but I wanted to make you all aware. I will update in a week.

Yes it is frustrating but can be dealt with.  It will probably be more like 40 days until lenses are available 🤷 Apple iPhone has a lot of good options for the vision impaired user, like me. I got excited today when the mail came because the county paper was there however I can’t see it or read it. So I use the Magnifier on the iPhone to pick out some articles I wanted to read.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Second Cataract

 Slow morning getting going.  We slept well.  I had gotten up a couple times, but fell back asleep.  A good breakfast at the Hilton and then to Vanc Thompson Eye by 9:15.  I worked on the blog and Denny went in a little before 10 for his procedure.    WE got home about 1.  Denny drove blurry from IG and I took the Prius home.  We were happy to be home and chilling.  I finished listening to the book. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Heading to cataract surgery

 I got up to take clothes from SOS to Orphan Grain Train.  I had PT at 9.  We left for SC at  10:30.   We got to Cataract place in good time.  And were done about 2.  Denny was feeling pretty good and we stopped at Mr. Stir Fry to eat.  Gotta love their crab rangoon, cheesy mushrooms, terieaki chicken, and garlic green beans.  oh, yes and fresh pineapple.  Next we got new shoes for Denny at Peak performance.  He waited about an hour to get his hair cut at Sports Clip, I looked around a couple stores in that area.  We both got amazing pedicure with heated shoulder weights and war/ hot towel treatments.  The Hampton we stayed in was very close to Target, but I was so tired I just continues listening to my book The Winemaker's Wife.  

Monday, September 23, 2024


I headed out for Storm Lake and golf.  It was fun playing with Peggy S. Jackie S. and Linda G.  We shot a 36, but we were out of the money.  I got a yellow pitcher and 4 glasses at SOS.  Plus I had them fill the car with bags from SOS to take to OGT.  Next stop Walmart to get Mrs. Wages for hard boiled eggs.  In cherokee I watched a little of the boys gymnastics and then I went to the soccer fields.  At home Denny fixed pork loin steaks, cheese green beans and rice.  YUM!!!   I woke in the night with sore shoulder.  

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Heading home

Slept in until past 7.  Karen had fixed breakfast pizza and chocolate crescants. We drove to the stadium to meet Mark and Lauren.  We went to church at River of Life.  On the way home we got sandwiches from Jimmy John.  We started home about 2, with a 4 1/2 hour drive ahead of us.  I listened to Remembering by Wendel  Berry. We had a full morning.  Slow getting up, drove to football stadium to see Mark and Lauren, drove to church.  Ate Jimmy Johns on way to Luke's, Headed for home About 2:30, Got home about 6:30. picked flowers and put together for Queenagers,  SLEPT IN MY OWN BED,  First time since August 1.  

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Apple Fest

We moved slowly in the am.  Matt and Becky went to a celebration of life for a good friend.   We left for Excelsior,  it is about an hour drive to Luke's.  His back yard is looking great.  He rented a bobcat and leveled out the ground and put in a rock terrace.  We met Mark, Lauren, Steph and Stephen. We walked the Apple fest, looking at all the booths.  I splurged and Rose and I painted 2 apple plates.  When we got back to Luke he used the Blackstone to make amazing Mexican food.  It was good to sleep in Luke's basement.   

Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday night Lights

 Wonderful slow morning.  I got up, had devo, and then went back to bed.  After lunch we went to the lake.  Kane has a really nice kayak.  We had rice Sausage casserole before heading to Princeton  for TJ's game.  They lost, but TJ had 5-6 punts.  Denny's body was pretty sore.  We visited until almost midnight.  Good day!!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

On our way to Zimmerman

 We left for Minnesota about 9:30.  Pretty non eventful trip,  Actually arrived about 1/2 hour after projected time.  I took a hydro/ last night and still feel little groggy.  North Dakota 3 M's from Gomaco Golf Airbnb left the Home Place before we headed to Minn.   We drove right to Kane's game.  The weather was beautiful.  They won the game.  At home we ate the pizza they ordered and had a good visit before heading to bed.  


I had PT at 11, played PB before that, went to Thistledown and spent $100 on flowers.  Lord, by they live thru the winter.  I got all plants in the ground before we headed to Awana.  Neat World picture that Pastor Dave has in his office.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday and

 Drove back from Cherokee at 6 am.  It was rainy.   Our Airbnb guests left and so we got to cleaning.  I went to IG for Physical Therapy at 12:30.  I stopped at Judy's afterward.  Denny had PT later and pre op with Dr. Veltri.  I used the afternoon to catch up on the blog.  Sure seem's like Sunday today.   Heading to church tonight to hear speaker.  



Monday, September 16, 2024

Golf at Sac City and then Cherokee

 I went to the CSA and put together 3 vases of flowers.  The gals at Keenagers really enjoy then.  I played with Marilyn, Tracey and Cub.  We shot a 39 and 51.  Uffda!!  It took a long time.  Then I headed to Storm Lake to SOS, spent one $ and got a sweet corn butter holder.  Then to Alta and got $2 worth of 10 cent things.  At Cherokee the boys were finishing up with gymnastics.  Then we went to soccer.  tyler just smiles the whole time.  Jack is learning to go after the ball.  I gave flowers to Jan and Mandy.  We went to Cooks for brats and snacks.  Denny headed home and I slept in their guest room and left the next morning.  Fun to watch the boys and see Jan and John.  

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Fun Day

I really like our SS class.  Lot's always to pray babout.  I the afternoon we fisnished cleaning Prairie Whole.  Tiago has moved to the cabin.  We had the basement booked before we got his booking.  We chilled and napped in the bunkhouse in the afternoon.  It is good to sit on the patio and visit with the 6 couples from Schleswig.  Ernst's came out and after showing them the bunk house and coop, they invited us for snacks in the sunroom.  Denny and I have spent time admiring the painting that Brooks and Evan did.  TJj had a great game Friday night and had a big cheering crowd.  

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Brazilian meal... YUM!!!

It was a lazy day and wonderful for me.  Sister phone call at 7:15.  Next week it may be later, 'cause Jean will be in California and 2 time zones ahead of us.  The basement is pretty clean from Tiago's work.  Notice his TP decoration:.   At night he fixed Brazilian meal for Doug and Margaret and us.  YUM!!!! Steaks, bake potatoes and potato salad.  Missy shared with me some pictures of her usage of the cards and notes I made for her visits to elementary classrooms.  

Thank you to the friends next to me in the stands who cheer for every kid every time.      Who want the best for everyone on the team. Who support them when they’re flying high and support them even harder they’re flailing. Who go crazy when they get the big hit, but who still encourage with the same heart when they strike out.      To the parents next to me who understand that these are kids—humans, just like us, who have good days and bad days, seasons of success and seasons of struggle. Who are giving their best out there, but who understand that even at their best, they won’t make every catch, every serve or every goal and they won’t win every game.       To the parents who get it.       Who get that youth sports are about developing and camaraderie and being a part of something. About working hard, gaining confidence, respecting your coach and building a team. About becoming leaders and learning about grit and growth and grace.       That the most important thing they’ll gain from sports is how to be better, stronger, more compassionate, more resilient people and that character development beats the number on the scoreboard all day every day. m      To the parents who have the village mentality. That it takes us all and that our kids will benefit from us cheering together as unit instead of silent pairing off and gossiping when a kid is having a hard time. That they’re learning by watching us and that it is up to us to set the tone—to lift up, to come together, to love.      A sport is just a sport.      A team is just a team.      But helping these kids grow into the men and women they were made to be is everything. What an honor. What an absolute privilege it is to be surrounded by other parents, grandparents, guardians, aunts, uncles coaches who get it. I’m so glad I’m not alone.      And I’m glad my kid isn’t alone either. 

Mow both me&denny

That’s what it’s about. 

That’s why we do it. 

Thank goodness we get to do it together. 



Friday, September 13, 2024

Physical Therapy

 Kinda slow getting around this am,  Denny headed into IG for PT.  I went in at 11 after giving "Schleswig"ers staying at Our Home Place a tour of the buildings around our yard.   After checking in at Horn I went to the Meditation room because it was quiet for the BSF zoom Bible study. Jason S. did my shoulder,  he gave me hope that it might be fixable.  (my words) I cashed the check from Farm to Table. I'm planning to tithe 30  give Jenny 75 and keep the rest for lisianthus next season.  Lord, may they live better than they did this year.  I stopped by the courthouse to order an absentee ballot.  I went to Casey's to finish off the gift card from somewhere.  At home I chilled and edited some IHEart Memories.  Denny is mowing for Larson's .    

Thursday, September 12, 2024

SC & study

 I was up and getting the place ready for guests.  I made a cracker tray and picked flowers and put the kitchen drawers and cabinets in order and put Napali things out in living room.   We left for Sioux C about 7:20 I took the Prius in so I could stay in Ig and go to Study at Susan's .  Denny's cataract checkup went well,  He is getting one eye done the 24th and one the 25th.  We stopped at Earl May.  I had enough on a gift card to get 4 packages of seeds.  We returned unused material from the basement drop ceiling and had a sandwich at Wendy's before heading back to IG.  Susan, Teresa, Sharon, Pat and I were at study.   When I got home we visited with the airbnb ers then headed to bed.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

911 911 011

In the bottom of this photo, you can see Ladder 118 crossing over the Brooklyn Bridge on their way to the World Trade Center. This is their last known photo. Every single firefighter on that truck perished just a few minutes later. We vowed to never forget. Unfortunately, so many have. #SupportYourFirstResponders

Beautiful sunrise!!!  I cut down some big weeds in the flower area and headed to Cherokee to get my hair cut and nails done.  Then I went to Mandy's.  We went to Alta and then back home before 9 elementary student got off the bus at their home.  She was feeding them before AWANA.  I stayed for a while, then headed home to clean before new people came to our Home place.  I had the 3 beds made when Denny came home and started on the floors.  We got the home looking pretty good.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 I was up and went to OGT,  Denny had PT and  and eye appointment.  I stopped to get him some pain medicine before heading home.  I am trying to update my blog which is behind about a week.  Uffda!! I can't get photos on blog.  Denny is out mowing.  We had REC meal at the fair grounds tonight.  

Keenage golf

 It's hard for me to stay in bed until 5, but I did.  I had devo out on the porch and saw the sun rise.  Then I went and cut off some weeds at ground level and got the flowers I put together for gal's golf.  When I got to Breda they didn't have a plan for me, but Linda S.? from Breda was kind enough to get her clubs and play with me in a 2 gal best ball.   We played with Mary and Carol (who gave me a scratch pad that she had crocheted.) We shot a 44, with 2 bad holes.    The people said they missed me, but really they just missed then flowers I bring for a door prize.  After golf lunch I headed to Carroll,  the Rav 4 had an oil change and a cabin filter change.   I went thrifting and got 5 dark blue glasses, 2 pillow cases to make table clothes for porch table, 4 square containers with lids,  When I got home we sat and visited with Tiago before going to the bunkhouse for the night.  

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday, Fun day

 Up and out to put the flowers together for church.  There was a quarterly business meeting after church.  Then we went to Subway and met Goodenows.  SO GOOOD to visit with them and see pictures of Whitney and Daniels wedding.  We came home and I took a nap 3-6 Uffda!!  I went out to CSA and put together flowers for Keenagers.  Nice slow day/evening.  I texted Evan to say I really like the south window and being able to look at the tree.  AND I liked the shiny floors.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Home Sweet Home

Up to enjoy the day!!! Sister phone call at 7:15.  I was looking and walking all around our yard, just enjoying the green and lack of pollution/people/powerlines.   Later I met Charles, a cousin and groomsman of Xavier, Xaviar's father and a friend of the family.  who did not speak English.  Later I met Taigo who told me of his RV.  Denny went to mow for Larson's I picked veggies and fixed then for supper.  Then I got flowers for Monday golf and perhaps church.  It is lovely being home.  

Friday, September 6, 2024

Travel Day I traveled (going to the airport, flying, layovers, and driving to the farm.) 39 hours

 I'm not even sure when this day started.  I think I got on the plane in Kathmandu after midnight and so it started then AND the day lasted 37 hours because I was traveling from EASt to west and the time zones kept turning the clock backwards.  ANYwAY  Left Kathmandu at 2.  Flew 5 hours to Doha where it was 5am.  Then got another Qatar plane and traveled 14.5 hours to Seattle where it was 7 pm when I landed.  Then left Seattle at 10 to fly 4 hours to get to Omaha just before midnight.  I got to watch several intellectual movies ... Clueless ... Legally Blonde ...  a movie about college roommates thru 4 years at college. ...  and another thriller, I'm sure.  IT WAS SO GOOD TO HAVE DENNY MEET ME AT THE OMAHA AIRPORT!!!  Thank you, Jesus for safe travels.  So thankful on the first leg of the flights I was in a row of 3 seats with only me.  Then on second flight of 14 hours I was in the very back seat, an arms' length away from the bathroom.  (luckily I could ignore the lady who got sick to her stomach in the bathroom with the door open about half way thru the 14 hour flight.  AND the 3rd flight I was the only person in the row of 3 seats.  YES!!!  I could lie down when I could spread out between the 3 seats.  There were no hiccups to my traveling.  Except I misplaced by earphones on the last flight and was told not to listen to my audio book without ear connection.  I did take the time to make a couple collages.  It was so sweet when Brooks and Anabel cheered each other on and were at the finish and start of each race to give support.  It was all so much fun to see elementary principal, Missy cheering on her students.  Thank you, Jesus and all who prayed for my trip to Nepal and home.    

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Swim Gala and head home ..... :)

I kept waking up during the night, maybe I drank too much pineapple juice and sprite.  Quick shower and started my devo outside.  After everyone left I finished my devo and talked to Denny.  Man, did he get a lot done on Wednesday!  Dr. Meyer started the procedures to have hip surgery for Denny sometime after Oct 7th.  We go to Madison Oct 5 -7th  for Jim and Carol's 50th wedding anniversary celebration.  Phillip picked me up at home and we drove to get Missy at KISC and then to then swim Gala.  It was fun to watch Brooks and Anabel swim.  I rode back to school with the elementary students.  In the end of school dismissal they told me goodby and sang This Little light of mine.  It was rainy,, but we played Pickleball on the outside BB court with Lopers and Timothy and one other teacher.  At home we chilled, I packed, and about 7:30 we headed toward the airport.  We went out to eat at The Roadhouse that was on the circle that was around the Stupa.  After a great meal,   Brooks, Phillip and I got ice cream. l They took me  to the airport about 10 and I got checked in.  I put my 2 pieces of luggage that were going to be checked in a wheeled cart and went to wait in the Qatar line ... Oppps, Where Is my backpack.  Luckily it was back on the floor after going thru the scanner machine and LUCKILY no one picked it up.!!! Thank You, Jesus.    

Missy in her Elem Principal room.