Thursday, September 12, 2024

SC & study

 I was up and getting the place ready for guests.  I made a cracker tray and picked flowers and put the kitchen drawers and cabinets in order and put Napali things out in living room.   We left for Sioux C about 7:20 I took the Prius in so I could stay in Ig and go to Study at Susan's .  Denny's cataract checkup went well,  He is getting one eye done the 24th and one the 25th.  We stopped at Earl May.  I had enough on a gift card to get 4 packages of seeds.  We returned unused material from the basement drop ceiling and had a sandwich at Wendy's before heading back to IG.  Susan, Teresa, Sharon, Pat and I were at study.   When I got home we visited with the airbnb ers then headed to bed.  

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