Friday, September 6, 2024

Travel Day I traveled (going to the airport, flying, layovers, and driving to the farm.) 39 hours

 I'm not even sure when this day started.  I think I got on the plane in Kathmandu after midnight and so it started then AND the day lasted 37 hours because I was traveling from EASt to west and the time zones kept turning the clock backwards.  ANYwAY  Left Kathmandu at 2.  Flew 5 hours to Doha where it was 5am.  Then got another Qatar plane and traveled 14.5 hours to Seattle where it was 7 pm when I landed.  Then left Seattle at 10 to fly 4 hours to get to Omaha just before midnight.  I got to watch several intellectual movies ... Clueless ... Legally Blonde ...  a movie about college roommates thru 4 years at college. ...  and another thriller, I'm sure.  IT WAS SO GOOD TO HAVE DENNY MEET ME AT THE OMAHA AIRPORT!!!  Thank you, Jesus for safe travels.  So thankful on the first leg of the flights I was in a row of 3 seats with only me.  Then on second flight of 14 hours I was in the very back seat, an arms' length away from the bathroom.  (luckily I could ignore the lady who got sick to her stomach in the bathroom with the door open about half way thru the 14 hour flight.  AND the 3rd flight I was the only person in the row of 3 seats.  YES!!!  I could lie down when I could spread out between the 3 seats.  There were no hiccups to my traveling.  Except I misplaced by earphones on the last flight and was told not to listen to my audio book without ear connection.  I did take the time to make a couple collages.  It was so sweet when Brooks and Anabel cheered each other on and were at the finish and start of each race to give support.  It was all so much fun to see elementary principal, Missy cheering on her students.  Thank you, Jesus and all who prayed for my trip to Nepal and home.    

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