Thursday, September 5, 2024

Swim Gala and head home ..... :)

I kept waking up during the night, maybe I drank too much pineapple juice and sprite.  Quick shower and started my devo outside.  After everyone left I finished my devo and talked to Denny.  Man, did he get a lot done on Wednesday!  Dr. Meyer started the procedures to have hip surgery for Denny sometime after Oct 7th.  We go to Madison Oct 5 -7th  for Jim and Carol's 50th wedding anniversary celebration.  Phillip picked me up at home and we drove to get Missy at KISC and then to then swim Gala.  It was fun to watch Brooks and Anabel swim.  I rode back to school with the elementary students.  In the end of school dismissal they told me goodby and sang This Little light of mine.  It was rainy,, but we played Pickleball on the outside BB court with Lopers and Timothy and one other teacher.  At home we chilled, I packed, and about 7:30 we headed toward the airport.  We went out to eat at The Roadhouse that was on the circle that was around the Stupa.  After a great meal,   Brooks, Phillip and I got ice cream. l They took me  to the airport about 10 and I got checked in.  I put my 2 pieces of luggage that were going to be checked in a wheeled cart and went to wait in the Qatar line ... Oppps, Where Is my backpack.  Luckily it was back on the floor after going thru the scanner machine and LUCKILY no one picked it up.!!! Thank You, Jesus.    

Missy in her Elem Principal room. 

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