Wednesday, September 11, 2024

911 911 011

In the bottom of this photo, you can see Ladder 118 crossing over the Brooklyn Bridge on their way to the World Trade Center. This is their last known photo. Every single firefighter on that truck perished just a few minutes later. We vowed to never forget. Unfortunately, so many have. #SupportYourFirstResponders

Beautiful sunrise!!!  I cut down some big weeds in the flower area and headed to Cherokee to get my hair cut and nails done.  Then I went to Mandy's.  We went to Alta and then back home before 9 elementary student got off the bus at their home.  She was feeding them before AWANA.  I stayed for a while, then headed home to clean before new people came to our Home place.  I had the 3 beds made when Denny came home and started on the floors.  We got the home looking pretty good.  

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