Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Step climb again

Nice phone call with Denny, who was tuckered after moving to the bunk house.  He had pulled the blackout curtains down and was ready to go to sleep.  In the morning the mountains were out so I went to the admin building and took a picture.  At KISC I was sharing the student support room with the tester for student support. I finished my devo and worked on Iheart memory editing.   I also put in an order for spring blue bells from Small Grower flowers.  50 for $40.  I need to keep looking on email for the billing. I sent most of the day trying to figure out how to get bread made for supper.  I helped with 3 second graders then walked home to get flour, butter, Well, I got home and Missy called," The PE staff were setting up the PB nets and she would get on her scooter and come and get me.  SO I didn't get the bread stirred up.  BUT I did get to play PB for about 30 minutes.  Next was swimming with the 3rd graders for 1 hour 20 minutes.  I had the buss let me off and I headed back to Civil Homes to mix up the bread so it could rise.  Then walk back to school and go with the 5th graders fro swim for 1 hour 20 minutes.  The bus let me off and I went back to Civil homes and started baking bread and mixing up cookies.  Uffda!!  I took the last loaf out at 4 :30 and we left to Williamsons at 4:40.   We went there for Team meeting.I am so thankful I got to spend time with the team people.  

OH, YES, and I for got that on my first trip back to Civil Homes I had to go up 140 steps.  7 flights of steps to retrieve my traveling mug that I forgot way up there when Kristine and I went to visit yesterday after school at Trinity Cafe.   Uffda!!!  That's a lot of steps that would not have been necessary IF I would remember my stuff.  Uffda!!

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