Thursday, September 26, 2024


 So I did have my cataract eye surgeries but the outcome is not what I expected at all.  Due to the fact I have 4x amount of astigmatism my vision now without corrective lenses is a blur and much worse with my glasses and even nonprescription sunglasses.  Legally I can’t drive because I am restricted to corrective lenses.  I can not take an eye exam for 30 days until my eyes have healed to get up to date prescription for my glasses..  currently I am not sure it is wise or safe to be driving.  I am still hoping my eyesight will improve some in a week but at my post op appointment today the Dr didn’t give me much hope.  I have another post op in a week.  He said this happens 1 in 4000 cases and especially those with astigmatism.  Aren’t I fortunate!  I could have had this corrected for $7,000-$10,000 but decided at my age it wasn’t worth the money.  You might say that when the Good Lord was passing out astigmatism I got back in line more than once!  Sorry for the long text but I wanted to make you all aware. I will update in a week.

Yes it is frustrating but can be dealt with.  It will probably be more like 40 days until lenses are available 🤷 Apple iPhone has a lot of good options for the vision impaired user, like me. I got excited today when the mail came because the county paper was there however I can’t see it or read it. So I use the Magnifier on the iPhone to pick out some articles I wanted to read.


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