Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday July 31 1840

7/31/09 Happy Birthday Molly S.! I had 7 ladies over for a garden coffee at 7 this am. Fed my sows first so I could party. Peg W. Kathleen S. Lynell H. Lynn S. Darts H. Kay B. Janet C. Poor gals ! I made them squat for the pix so the flowers could be seen. Not the most comfortable for us old ladies. They laughed and said I was getting them to exercise this early in the morning too. It was a little chilly but beautiful in the yard today. Blessings from Mary Jo. It was 5 years ago on the 28th that Matthew suffered tramatic brain injury due to a congetical defect. May the Lord continue to care for you day by day, season by season, year by year. May each day, season, year draw you closer to him, more dependent upon him and less enamored with this world. May we all look forward to an eternal future and be eager and willing to leave this temporary facility far behind. May we live like this is the last day of our life, with no regrets. Hug those who are special in your life and tell them you love them today, for none of us know what tomorrow brings. God speed. She puts so well into words my prayers for you.

Thurs. July 30

7/310/09 I mowed the lawn even though it rained last night and the grass was wet. I started in the back and worked my way to the front yard. When I call to see if Sue wanted flowers she asked if I could come for lunch. Jess and Cole were there and Teresa was coming. So I moved right along with the mowing, (even though I'm sure it would have been more even if I went slowly)...Ya gotta get to the party. Amelia M. turned ten and Rachel asked if they could use the coop for a rite of passage tea party with her grandmothers. I was happy they could make use of it. After lunch I stayed for Bible study til 3:30. By 5:30 Denny and I were on our way to Elk Horn with 11 IG riders. Seafood buffet at the Danish Inn. All you can eat crab legs...and prime rib. Not home til 10:15. Great weather to ride! I asked Peg if she could join me tomorrow for coffee in the yard at 7. Don said I wouldn't really want her that early.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wed. July 29 1804

7/29/09 I had 8 ladies here from church for coffee in the yard. I made an invitation at our church service last Sunday to any early risers who would like to enjoy God's creation. Kim S. Brenda B. Ginny A. Naomi L. Laura S. Lynn S. Rachel M. Janet M. Nice visit. Then to the unit to finish processing pigs. Denny went to town and told UBI "Yes". He would like to work for them. Assistant agriculture loan officer. He starts August 19. The day after the century farm award at the state fair. What a great opportunity! Great people to work with, Great community to work in, No night shifts, Position where he can use skills and interests that God has given him. Yet still kind of bittersweet. It is always good to know that God has our future in his hands.

Tues July 27

7/27/09 Early at the rec center. After work I was at Food Pride and came out to put my groceries in the car. I noticed that the man in the pick up next to me had his door wide open against my car and was putting his groceries in the car. I loaded my stuff in the back seat got in, looked for my keys, etc. and started to drive forward. Bummer! His door caught my back side passenger door and left a ding. Not a good way to start the day. We processed at the unit til 5 and about 7 we went to Curt's home. We heard about their vacation and told them Denny would be probably be taking the job at UBI. Hard to do. They have gone all out for us since they purchased the sows. The future in hogs is so uncertain. We love raising pigs and working together. But a little stability sounds so good. This has not been an easy decision for us. Lord, thank you for guiding us. May we be right in the center of Your will. I spread around the remaining mulch. It's so good to cover up the weeds. Now if they only would not return.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mon July 27 1774

7/27/09 Friday at the park Haley loved being with Bronco. She spent alot of time brushing and petting. She gave the horses water in a cup. It was fun to see her with the horses. Evan sat in a chair and played with little cars when he wasn't wanting to play with the same toy as Torren. Monday there were 8 of us at Bible study. Elizabeth, Tracie, Lynn, Sarah, Danielle, Emily, Carmen and me. YEA!! We made plans for a fall study. After processing pigs we went to Storm Lake to get supplies for unit and some fruit for Wed. am coffee in my yard.

Sun July 26

7/26/09 After church we went motorcycling with Mike and Brenda. We ate Chinese at Carroll and then toured Santa Maria's. We were back it time for night church where Lisa Aiken spoke on mission work in Africa and Europe. When we were at Brushy Creek Park on Friday Anabel loved sitting in the little lawn chair with her dirty face. Torren spend much time on the Hot wheels ( or what ever you call it.) He would push it at full speed ahead.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sat July 25

Saturday July 25 Aunt Becky really knows how to get kids to love horses. She took time with Anabel (who was a little scared) and let her slide down the back of Bronco. It really got her to giggling. She helped Evan sit behind Haley and best of all she let Evan ride behind her for about 10 minutes as they waited for the other horses to get ready to go on an afternoon ride. They were happy campers...if even for an afternoon. Thanks Hirschman's for letting me crash the party! Great to see all the kids and cousins. Saturday I went to Carroll in am for WW. Then back to unit. Then to Mary and Brian's wedding. I gave Laura a ride and helped in the kitchen. Denny and I read out on the deck with flashlights tonight. It was beautiful weather.

Friday July 24, 2009 1745

Friday July 24 Up early. Missy called last night. She said she was going to Ft Dodge - Bushy Creek Park - to see the Missouri Johnson cousins. If I got most of my work done I could maybe crash the party. I rode into IG with Denny. He was going to the chiropractor, and I got my car. They had been fixing the trunk so it closed tightly and didn't let dust in. YEA! Then to a garage sale and home to pack up Missy's doll furniture for Anabel. I got to the park about noon. They were done with the morning horse back ride. Becky's folks Frank and Jenny had brought 4 horses in their air conditioned trailer. Becky's sister Sara and her 2 girls were there, too. The air conditioned part worked great for 2 napping 2 year olds later in the afternoon. Kids had a great time in the tent, playing with hot wheels, playing in the dirt, and of course Haley loved to care for the horses. It was a wonderful shady spot to spend an afternoon. I got home about 6 and took a nap. Then I took some flowers into IG and to Sue's. And picked up take out at Charlies to use up the rest of my gift certificate. Denny practised for tomorrow's wedding at the sound board.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Thursday July 23 Cleaned in am. Lots of babies at the unit. I took over daisys and lilys to Anabel. She was so happy to get daisys. I did some more work spreading mulch around. I think I am going to be able to get rid of it all. Some will even go under the merry go round in Evan's park. I got a card sent to Jan T. finally. My car is in being fixed. The trunk seal wasn't tight and so dust rolled in from the gravel road. This was Mary Jo's blessing today. May the Lord bless your way today. May there be light on the path you are to follow. May you be eager to walk in the direction he leads and guides, never doubting that it is the best of all journeys. Thank God for blinders that you do not look to the right or to the left and be distracted. God speed. Please pray for the direction Denny should take with the job offer. He would like a clear revelation. Something that is easy to see. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

7/22/09 1704

Wed. July 22 This sign was on the sports fence in Parkersburg. Quite a tribute to a great coach. So sad and such a loss to the cummunity. Keep the Thomas family in your prayers. Denny e mailed Curt this evening after church. I worked at putting around some of my 2 tons of mulch. Denny went in for a bank visit this am.


Tuesday July 21 WAY too early to the rec center. Denny had a dentist appointment. Ouch!! Big buck to fix his teeth. 2-5K . Denny helped me fill wheel barrels. We mowed the lawn. I remembered that I had a gift certificate from Charlies that I needed to use before they close, so Denny went to Charlies and got take home cod and pork loin. We had it out on the deck. Called Curt after supper. Do you think that Anabel likes her raspberry malt? Bruce Newhouse and Maynard picked raspberries for us when we were in Decorah. He didn't know if there would be room on the bike...I said "Oh, yes. I'll male room." And so I did... and we had smushed raspberry malts.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

7/20/09 1678

Monday July 20 Grandpa might need some help washing the Harley after our ride this weekend. Is Torren available? Dr. Armbrecht and Curt came to the unit. I had made raspberry cake for them and Bible study. Denny had a interview at 10. Sarah, Tracey, Carmen, and Elizabeth were at study. For supper we fixed chicken out on the grill. Boy, did I get sick! Perhaps it wasn't done enough. Talked to most of the kids tonight. Offer???


Sunday July 19 We left Burr Oak aout 6:30 am and made it to Parkersburg for church and SS. Then to Missy and Phillip's for lunch. We had great pork chops from Rachel Master's cook book and raspberry malts for dessert. It was so good so visit with them. Denny and I lay down about 2 for a nap. Three hours later Missy brought the kids in to the bed room to wake us up. WE WERE TIRED. We got home about 9 and stopped at the folks. Denny gave lead poisoning to the ground hog that Anabel got in a live trap. It had been digging a huge hole under their front step and was really making a mess of things.


Saturday July 18 I walked over to Bruce's about 6:30 to meet him after he got off work. Then we went to Country Express for breakfast. Dean happened in so he ate with us, too. After we were done eating we looked around What's New. Then we took a drive down to Seed Saver. We met Nierlings about 10:30 and drove around South eastern Minnesota. It was beautiful. Lansburo, Rushford, Caledonia.


Friday July 17 Dean N. called us about 8 and wondered if we could meet them in St. Lucas for supper and help them use a gift certificate that they were given. It sounded great to us, but lots to do before then. I made a trip to IG and got some 90% off plants. I got everything planted. We headed to NE Iowa about 2:30. It was cold. I should have put my leathers on sooner. At 5 we were south of Parkersberg and called the Jensens. They were on their way to go camping at Pine Lake. We made it to eat with Dean and Ardie about 7 pm.St Lucas is kind of a small town, but when we camme down the hill into the town there were cars lined on both sides of the street. Great food and visit. The White House served a relish tray with the meal: ripe olives, carrots, dill pickles, celery, plus the salad that came with the meal. We stopped at Bruce's before going to Craig's to spend the night. He was gone to work. Craig and Marilyn are in Alaska on a 6 week driving trip.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Thursday July 17 Cleaned in am. I did the garage...and refrigerator. Denny did all the rest. Finished almost all the work at the unit. Neil fixed about 60 heatlamps. I went to IG for sandwiches to bring back for lunch. Gail and Bruce came about 6 for supper. It was so great to see them. She brought corn, beans, and plants for me to put in my garden/flowerbed. THANKS SO MUCH!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

7/15/09 1607

Wednesday July 15 5:30 am at the unit to ship pigs. 1173 pigs that weighed an average of 15.1 pounds. That's our biggest yet. Logan came to help, too. Working til 6:00 pm is a long day. We went to video at church and then stopped to catch up on news with Howard and Anabel. Last Wed. I was playing with Evan and Anabel.


Tuesday July 14 Dentist appointment after working at the rec center. We moved out 2 rooms a day early and sprayed them. Motorcycle meeting at 5:30 then we rode to Schelswig to eat supper. 12 people 7 bikes. Pretty fun to play with Anabel last Wed night. Does she look like she is full of mischief or what!

Monday, July 13, 2009

7/13/09 1571

Monday July 13 I walked 4 miles this am. Sarah and Danielle came for Bible study. Then to the unit to give shots to 1280 pigs and record number weaned in 130 litters and weight. We got done about 5:30 and I pulled some weeds. Lots of rain is good for growing plant...some of which are weeds. We enjoyed a nice late afternoon visit on the deck, then supper. Later Denny used the bush hog to mow around the buildings and I mowed the yard.


Sunday July 12 Up early and headed to Parkersburg. I stopped in Dubuque to get gas. Realized that I had left my check book, with drivers license, credit cards, and cash in Nancy's living room where we watched the movies. OH DEAR!!! I talked to 3 people who "couldn't help me, didn't have money". Then one kind HyVee check out lady overheard my dilemma and gave me $20 with her name and address. Bless her heart. I filled with gas and made it to Parkersburg in time for church. Jensens had a couple over for lunch and I left after eating..Thanks Missy!! That chocolate cake was great!! Church SS picnic at Crawford Creek at 5.


Sat. July 11 Up early to walk. We went to a farmers market where I bought 4 plants. Then to the Madison Art Fair. So many great things...beautiful...expensive. I bought lunch. We had supper out on the deck. At night we watched movies. I wrote Nancy a check for the things I bought from supplies to make dyed silk scarves with some of my friends in the future. Denny spent today riding the motorcycle. IG group went to Boone Railraod and Ledges State Park. Then up to Darren Smith's home for a 40th birthday party and food.


Friday July 10 We went to gardens today. First Olbrecht, then 6 homes that were a part of a garden tour. At 5:30 we metBetsy, Martin, Myrna and Dobbin for pizza. Myrna invited us to her home for ice cream. We spent about 3 hours sitting on their deck overlooking a pretty pond.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Thursday July 9 I stayed in bed until 5 and then left for Madison, Wisconsin about 5:30 am. 210 miles ...all 4 lane...about 3 stops. I got to the kitchen before Nancy did. With in 1 hour of arriving we were working on a new art project...dying silk scarves. Turned out very pretty. Then we left for lunch with 5 retired teachers that Nancy used to teach with. Jane's house was on the shore line of one of Madison's lakes. After lunch we made smores for desert. Good time. We stopped by Todd and Julia's house and took them root beer floats. They are redoing a living room wall and thinking about changing their kitchen. We got food at Trader Joes for supper. Next tough job to tackle is what to plan to do the next 2 days...YEA!!!

7/8/09 1526

Wed. July 8 Short am at unit then to the yard and spread some more mulch around...2 tons is alot!! I filled 2- 55 gallon bags with mulch for the Jensens and put them in my car/ pickup. I got my hair cut in IG with Pat and then headed to Parkersburg. Supper was at 5:30. Missy and Phillip headed out and I got to play with Evan and Anabel. They rode in the cars and played while I spread mulch around the hostas.


Tuesday July 7 After I worked at the unit I rode bikes around the trail with Ranae B. Short nap then out in the yard to spread around some of that mulch. Nancy had called to tell me what book her book club was discussing. I went to Denison to get the book and Mexican take out. We asked Lynn and Toshi over for supper. It was nice to visit and relax. We had the first zucchini from the garden breaded and fried in butter.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

7/6/09 1484

Monday July 6 Yesterday afternoon/night Denny helped me clean my car. What a job that was! He used de-greaser and the color of the car brightened up 3 shades. I poured water on the floor mats to try and shop vac up the stains. We have run a oscillating fan in my car for 2 nights. It hasn't been cleaned like this since I bought it. Bible study with Elizabeth, Tracey, Lynn, Danielle, and Stephanie. Denny and I spent all afternoon going to Storm Lake for mulch. It is free at the BV recycling center. We brought home 60# short of 2 tons in a wagon that could only travel 25-30 miles/hour behind our pickup. Nice mulch, though. Denny has seen Dr. Bleil 3 morning in the past week because his right arm is going numb.


Sunday July 5 This one's for you, Sue!! I was lucky enough to watch those 4 cute grandkids during church. Nadia's got the "cheese" pose down. It was a fun morning. They all played so nicely. Evelyn fell alseep on my shoulder. Doesn't get any better than that.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

7/4/09 1446

Sat. July 4 Great Johnson Fireworks!!! We had it in the building south of the garage. 4 Siblings and some families. Lots of fireworks because last year it got rained out. I got a lot done this am. Checks in the computer, hemmed bedroom curtains, made curtain for blue room closet. Denny went to BC to get radiatior and handed out water with the church during the parade. Blessings from Mary Jo May the Lord bless and keep you today. May you know the true freedom, the freedom of our spirits that only God's forgiveness can give. May your celebrations be fun and safe this weekend. God bless you and God bless America.


Friday July 3 It rained and I spent from 2-7 pulling weeds in the garden. Still a lot more to pull. Quick trip to town to deliver flowers to Susan. Denny grilled hamburgers and zucchini for supper. Jay and Diane Yousling were here for a wedding. So good to see their family.

Friday, July 3, 2009

7/2/09 1425

Tuesday July 2 We had a great motorcycle ride with Brenda and Mike. We left about 5 and rode to Bronson then to South Sioux City to eat at a gourmet restaurant... Raspberries. Great food, wonderful weather and even better company. I wish I had written down what we had to eat. Let me try to describe the appetizer...A slice of radish (about the thickness and size of a quarter), topped with a slice of roast beef (about the size of half of a stick of gum), a (tooth paste size squeeze of) grilled onion paste on the radish along side a dollop of goat cheese (about as big as the tip of my pinkie.) Now I'm a big believer of 2 bites of every thing, but it was hard to make this delicacy in to 2 bites. Lots of pretty names served very pretty, too. In am Denny took tractor radiator to Battle Creek. I got some flowers ready and went to Bible Study at Ginny's home.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

7/1/09 1385

Wed. July 1 Finished processing pigs and make scrub litters. I mowed at home. Denny mowed at the unit. I reconciled my checkbook with the bank. After church we stopped at Johnsons to see the Youslings. They are here for a wedding and fireworks on Sat nite rain or shine. Look at all those neat hostas we planted ...about 40. Blessings from Mary Jo Hudson May the Lord bless and keep you. May you walk with him in the cool of the morning and evening. May he listen to your heart and respond in wisdom and knowledge. May you invest in the true treasures of life, and not the treasures of the world which fade away. God bless you.


Tuesday June 30 Hard to imagine the month of June is gone. I love the summer. After rec center I got home and Matt called. They were planning to go to King's Pointe, but the weather was too bad. They ate lunch with us at the unit and we went swimming at the warm pool at the rec center. Then back home to clean the kitchen and to the unit to process. I fell asleep during the news, Denny fixed supper on the deck. Then we walked around the yard noting all that needs to be done...but making a point of not talking about it. We did dream about how to keep this farm producing for another 100 years...pie in the sky dreams...but kinda fun.