Tuesday, July 7, 2009

7/6/09 1484

Monday July 6 Yesterday afternoon/night Denny helped me clean my car. What a job that was! He used de-greaser and the color of the car brightened up 3 shades. I poured water on the floor mats to try and shop vac up the stains. We have run a oscillating fan in my car for 2 nights. It hasn't been cleaned like this since I bought it. Bible study with Elizabeth, Tracey, Lynn, Danielle, and Stephanie. Denny and I spent all afternoon going to Storm Lake for mulch. It is free at the BV recycling center. We brought home 60# short of 2 tons in a wagon that could only travel 25-30 miles/hour behind our pickup. Nice mulch, though. Denny has seen Dr. Bleil 3 morning in the past week because his right arm is going numb.

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