Friday July 17 Dean N. called us about 8 and wondered if we could meet them in St. Lucas for supper and help them use a gift certificate that they were given. It sounded great to us, but lots to do before then. I made a trip to IG and got some 90% off plants. I got everything planted. We headed to NE Iowa about 2:30. It was cold. I should have put my leathers on sooner. At 5 we were south of Parkersberg and called the Jensens. They were on their way to go camping at Pine Lake. We made it to eat with Dean and Ardie about 7 pm.St Lucas is kind of a small town, but when we camme down the hill into the town there were cars lined on both sides of the street. Great food and visit. The White House served a relish tray with the meal: ripe olives, carrots, dill pickles, celery, plus the salad that came with the meal. We stopped at Bruce's before going to Craig's to spend the night. He was gone to work. Craig and Marilyn are in Alaska on a 6 week driving trip.
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