Thursday, July 9, 2009


Thursday July 9 I stayed in bed until 5 and then left for Madison, Wisconsin about 5:30 am. 210 miles ...all 4 lane...about 3 stops. I got to the kitchen before Nancy did. With in 1 hour of arriving we were working on a new art project...dying silk scarves. Turned out very pretty. Then we left for lunch with 5 retired teachers that Nancy used to teach with. Jane's house was on the shore line of one of Madison's lakes. After lunch we made smores for desert. Good time. We stopped by Todd and Julia's house and took them root beer floats. They are redoing a living room wall and thinking about changing their kitchen. We got food at Trader Joes for supper. Next tough job to tackle is what to plan to do the next 2 days...YEA!!!

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