Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Tuesday July 21 WAY too early to the rec center. Denny had a dentist appointment. Ouch!! Big buck to fix his teeth. 2-5K . Denny helped me fill wheel barrels. We mowed the lawn. I remembered that I had a gift certificate from Charlies that I needed to use before they close, so Denny went to Charlies and got take home cod and pork loin. We had it out on the deck. Called Curt after supper. Do you think that Anabel likes her raspberry malt? Bruce Newhouse and Maynard picked raspberries for us when we were in Decorah. He didn't know if there would be room on the bike...I said "Oh, yes. I'll male room." And so I did... and we had smushed raspberry malts.

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