Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Awana at night

I picked up breakfast pizza for Vicki before our staff meeting at 8 am. Regular day. Independent living made M&M bar graphs. One student was absent. History quiz and geography state and city map assignment. Careers class lacked discipline. One student took Geography test in success. After school I headed to Wall Lake to get a hair cut. Pictures from Luke and Karen's wedding.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trick or treating in Arthur

Regular day at school. Pictures are from the Big event of going to Arthur with Missy and the Grands. Missy likes Arthur because you can park the car and walk to 15 houses. Second big event was Phillip selling some pigs. PTL

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pictures are from the foot ball game. Lots of fun fans, and I got to hug and play with Kane a lot.

Denny and I went a 1 1/2 mile walk

Missy and I left for school about the same time. 7:15 Nice to see her on the way out. I got most of one IEP done, but don't know what to do for the behavior goal. Mrs. Lund came to talk about job shadowing. Independent living kids gave oral answers to test questions I asked. I made them mac and cheese as we learned that individual sized portions cost more. After school I came home and fixed 2 meals, one for tonight, one for Wed. night. When Denny got home he said let's go for a walk and so we did. So nice. After we got done he feels that his shoes are probably a half size too small. Pictures are from the football game.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Stopped at Atlantic on way home

Kids came in at 6:45 and we looked at books in bed. We headed to church about 8. After church I made a Walmart run and Denny filled the car with gas. We stopped to try to get hot mocha at McD's three times, but no luck. Finally after we left Gail and Bruce's, Denny got his hot mocha. Gail had fixed a great meal. Grilled pork and turkey, baked potatoes, veggies, Pictures are from their home.

October 27 in St Joseph

Dad slept in the basement. Not me I had to miss out on a second of the GRands being awake. We had bagels for breakfast, played games,hung around alot, and then off to Torren's football game. Becky got eye black for the kindergartners and first graders. Pretty cute. Torren did not want to take it off all day. After the game we went to Jimmy Johns. Nice relaxing afternoon. I walked to the store with Haley and Torren, Becky ran 5 miles, Kane and other Johnson men rested. Great supper at night with tacos, black beans and ice cream with yummy candy bar toppings. I started The Journey at night.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday 22 left

Good day at school. One student got his Tech project done. Independent living made meatloaf and Parsley potatoes. Careers wrote down directions to make PBJ sandwiches. Success played racko. I finished my plans for next week and we are headed to St Joseph to see Matt, Becky and Grands. We took highway 71 down to St. Jo. Got there about 10:45 pm. Denny drove and listened to his phone music. I worked on reading and listening to Love and Logic. Pictures are from school and life. Carlie and her recipe, Alex and her daughter, The meal was from Okobogi and the stained glass window is from Storm Lake E. Free church.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

We ate supper out in the coop

I walked a couple laps in the gym from 7:55-8:05, not fast but Ii listened to my pandora and walked. Denny had a hard time getting up this am. We started to fix meat loaf and parsley potatoes in Independent living. After school I went to visit a family about tardiness and projects that are due tomorrow. Hard to visit, and hard not to visit. We had Trader Joe's Briscut for supper. It was really good. We ate out in the coop. Then Denny watched the Grands and Missy helped me with finding research articles for my last paper for student teaching. I'm not sure exactly what I am doing. Denny is on the computer, and I am about ready to head to bed. Another day. Thank you Jesus. Pictures from Luke and Karen's wedding Snapshots with the little ones. They are so dear to our hearts. Thank you kids for having such sweet Grands.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Awana Banana Split night

Dad did not sleep well last night, so he was barely up when I left for school. Routine day. Denny said that is what I should write. Woke up at 3:30, laid in bed until 5:30, Left for school at 7:15. Enjoyed working with people rather that pigs. Kinda of. Made safety poster in Ind. Living. Careers we watched a social skills at the job clip. One student is tardy consistently. He lives just 2 blocks from school and someone picks him up and brings him... I think by way of Pronto. Uffta. I picked up Laura about 6 and went to Awana 136 clubbers 68 sparks 26 girls, 28 boys 13 cubbies and about 39 leaders... just Awana. High school and middle school canceled and went to district football game in IG. I guess we had a little deep cleaning with water... but it doesn't look bad. There was a time a couple years ago when the ground water rose and the sump pump didn't. Denny put the bed on 2x4's and I stuck my foot out of the bed and stepped down to see how high the water was. It's just stuff... I am so thankful for people in my life... not stuff.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

finished reading love and logic

Independent living watched Donald Duck you tube on safety. Quiz in history, test in Geography, Student is quite sure that he didn't pass. After school I finished reading the book on Love and Logic. Now I have to find some supporting research and write a short paper. I cooked food when I got home. Supper tonight and tomorrow. and taco meat for another meal. Denny talked with Gary. Missy came down to help me look for research articles, but Denny was on the computer. The love and logic book is really good, Just wish I had the skills to run a class like that. Pictures from February 2009 at Saint Joseph.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Meatloaf by Carlie

I read something about the liability that teachers have last night before I went to bed and the questions kept running through my brain so I couldn't sleep right away. Trust the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. The runner was not in school today. Student #2 was told Cherokee might be an option. Student #3 was told no EBCE might be an option. I am reading love and logic and I have many opportunities during the day to put in to work. If only I could remember and not react my usual way. Uffta. Carlie made meat loaf for Denny and my supper. It turned out very good. Just like the rice, chicken and broccoli that we had on Saturday. Missy got one car from Warren's and took another up there. So reminiscent
of times of old for our family. Worked til 5 at school. nice phone calls from our kids. Denny needed social security numbers and birth dates. I baked oatmeal bars for kids this morning. One student rejoined our careers class for a time today. Pictures from February in Saint Joseph.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My first motorcycle ride of the year

Slept til 7 them made biscuits and gravy. Denny and I headed to Arthur by 8:30 and were at the Storm Lake Free church in time for the service. The front table had such a pretty arrangement on it. Then we headed to Okobogi. We ate at O'Ferrel sisters. Strange meal. The gal said to start with pie, so I ordered Raisin cream. Denny got an omelet and I got a pancake. I should have just shared Denny's omelet. I couldn't eat all of the pancake. Then we rode around lake home, and walked by the lake by Arnold's Park. ON the way home through Spencer, I got a pair of gray pants. We drove through Linn Grove, but Ben and Becca weren't home from Ames, yet. It was a great day to ride the Harley. A little chilly this am... but by the time we got home it was 75 and wonderful. Talked to Molly, girls are stilled battling health stuff. So hard to see kids not feeling good. Need to keep them in our prayers.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Low key Saturday YEAH!!

I slept until 7. That's nice. Denny and Gary talked about 2 hours. I worked on school work and Denny looked at Dad's paperwork stuff. Finally about 2 we went outside and ate lunch by the coop. We walked down by the creek, and to the sow shed and around the house. Then we cleaned from 3 til 5:30. Uffta!!! It needed it. Then we headed north to Arthur to get the list of stuff to buy for banana split night and Denny's wallet that he left at the bank. Off to Storm Lake ... a Walmart run. Luckily Denny wrote the check for that. He wanted a new set of phones and 4 foot surge bar protectors. I bought Chinese for supper and put gas in the Prius. We got home right after Jensens pulled into the drive way. They stopped at Boone to see Michael. Phillip's grandfather's funeral was yesterday at Maquoketa. Pictures from February 2009 Saint Joe visit. We went to some sort of Super Science Saturday