Sunday, October 14, 2012

Brooks went for donuts before Sunday school

I didn't get done as much as I would like to have this morning. Brooks came down about 8:25 and we went for donuts. Missy had kept Jacob and Sebastian overnight. High school SS group was good to be in. Nathan liked the oatmeal bars. After church I visited a while with Lisa N. Kate B. sang Eagle wings for church. I told her how it was one of my parent's songs. It was sung at their anniversary and played at each of their funerals. She said this week she had a 20 year old friend that died of cancer and the song was right to sing for her today. Pretty sad. After church we decided not to be on the road for 2 hours to visit with Mandy for 30 minutes. So I'm just going to wave at them as they go by on Interstate 80. Good to have you in Iowa. :) Denny napped and I worked on school work. At 4:30 we got triplets and Wil to help set up the Awana store. At 6, I watched the Bible Study kids until 8. Denny went to prayer meeting. Then I looked at L&K wedding pictures. Planning to put lots of them on this blog site. When I get around to it. I made pudding this afternoon for a taste test in Independent living. Pictures are from the beach time after Karen and Luke's wedding. Lots of bubbles, smiles, and sunglasses.

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